I.C.P.O. Calendar (May 19 - 27, 2005)
Islands, Castles & Portable Operations
Operations are listed by start date (Day/Month/Year)
19/05/2005:  Emir, 9A6AA, will be active May 19th as 9A6AA/p from
Zaklopatica Island, near Lastovo Island, (IOTA EU-016, IOCA-New). Look
for him around the usual IOTA frequencies. QSL via home call (QRZ.com).
[Tnx RSGB IOTA News]

19/05/2005:  A group of operators, namely Alberto Conedera, Candido
Alvarado, Lane Tarleton, Javier Pinel, Pedro Castillo, Antonio Handal,
Francisco Reynaud, Rene Reyes, Arturo Aleman, Josef Wells, Marco Vinicio
De Leon, Ruth Erazo, Atilio Erazo and Jacobo Torres will be active May
19-22nd as HQ9P from Pigeon Key (IOTA NA-057). Activity will be on 40-10
meter SSB. QSL via HR2PC, direct (please include SASE $2 or 2 IRC
coupons) or bureau. [Tnx RSGB IOTA News]

19/05/2005:  Antonio, I0SBA, will be QRV May 19th, weather permitting,
as I3/I0SBA/p from the Torre Carrarese di Piove di Sacco [Tower
Carrarese of Piove of Sacco] (DCI reference PD-062 for the Italian
Castles Award). Activity will be on 40 and 20 meter SSB, 13:00 to 15:00
UTC. The tower is located in the Region of Veneto, Province of Padova
(PD). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx IK1AWV]

19/05/2005:  If time permits, Giuseppe, IK5WWA, will be active May 19th
from two references for the Italian Castles Award (DCI). He plans to
activate the Torre del Castellaccio di Montenero a Livorno [Tower of the
Castellaccio di Montenero to Livorno] (DCI LI-023) and the Castello
Sidney Sonnino o Romito di Quercianella a Livorno [Castle Sidney Sonnino
or Romito di Quercianella to Livorno] (DCI LI-024). Activity will be on
40 and 20 meters between 16:00 and 18:00 UTC. QSL via home call, direct
or bureau. [Tnx IK5WWA]

19/05/2005:  Work the 3 Steve's (KF2TI, N2IFA and KB2ENF) to and from
Dayton and you will receive a beautiful multi-colored WAS Certificate
(Worked All Steve's). Tentative Schedule: (all times UTC) Thursday May
19, 02:00-03:00 (OR PA Turnpike, whichever comes first) 20 meters around
14.210 MHz (+/- QRM); 03:00-06:00 (OR PA TURNPIKE) 3.905 MHz on the
Century Net; 06:00-???? 20 meters hunt and shoot (where they will be is
anyones guess); 10:30-???? 40 meters 7.200 MHz (+/- Nets/QRM/etc).
Sunday May 22nd, whenever on 20 meters (maybe start their own pile-up).
QSL via KF2TI. [Tnx KF2TI]

20/05/2005:  Thomas SM6XMY, Rolf SM6IQD, Tony SM7YLT and Rick SM6YOU
will be active May 20-22nd as 8S6KOS from Sydkoster Island (IOTA
EU-043). QSL via SM6YOU (QRZ.com). [Tnx RSGB IOTA News]

20/05/2005:  Pyongtaek DX Club (D90HE) members Han DS2GOO, Lee 6K2CEW,
Chae DS5BSX and Young 6K2ABX will be active May 20-22nd as homecall/p
and D90HE/2 from Kukhwa Island (IOTA AS-105), Hwaseong City (KDN C027,
WW Loc. PM37gc). Activity will be on 80-10 meter SSB and RTTY. QSL
D90HE/2 via DS2GOO, others via home call (direct or bureau). [Tnx

20/05/2005:  Look for F5JOT/p, F5LGQ/p, F6AUS/p and F6CKH/p to be active
from Sein Island (IOTA EU-068, DIFM AT-007). They will start the
afternoon of May 20th and end the afternoon of May 22nd, HF bands CW and
SSB. QSL via each operators home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx F8DQZ]

20/05/2005:  Look for Jens DD0VD/p, Falk DF3UFW/p, Klaus DL8DZL/p and
Joerg DL2DSL/p to be active May 20-27th from Usedom Island (IOTA EU-129,
GIA O-13, WW Loc. JO64WC). Activity will be on 160-10 meter CW and SSB.
QSL to the individuals home call, via the bureau. [Tnx DD0VD]

20/05/2005:  Operators Alex RA1ALK, Mikhail RA1ALA, Alex UA1AEL and Alex
RX1AW will be active May 20-23rd as RI1CIS from Sukho Island (RRA
reference RR-19-12), Lake Ladoga. They will also be activating the Sukho
Island lighthouse (TWLH RA-060, ARLHS ERU-169, WLOTA L-0775). The
coordinates are 60°24.5'N32°05.4'E (WW Loc. KP60AF), Volkhovsky Area
(RDA reference LO-22), Leningradskaya oblast (LO). QSL via RX1AW
(QRZ.com). [Tnx RX1AW]

20/05/2005:  Operators Anders SM3XGV, Hans SM3TLG, Staffan SM3JGG,
Classe SM3GSK SM3S, Tord SM3EVR, Gunnar SM3DVN and Jorgen SM3CXS will be
QRV May 20-22nd as SG3ZZR from Grimskar Island (IOTA EU-176). Activity
will be on 80-10 meter CW and SSB. QSL via SM3CXS. All QSOs will be
confirmed automatically via the bureau. If you prefer direct QSLing be
sure to include sufficient return postage 1 IRC is ok, but not 1 USD, as
mail outside of Sweden is about 1.45 USD (10 sm kronor). The team will
return to Grimskar Island in July for the IOTA ontest. [Tnx SM3CXS]

20/05/2005:  Nick, UT4UT, plans to be active May 20-22nd as XY4U from
Thebyu (aka Sandy) Island (IOTA AS-167). Activity will be on, or near,
the CW and SSB IOTA frequencies, with CW being his main mode. The
operation will begin around 10:00 UTC May 20th and end around 09:00 UTC
May 22nd. QSL via UT4UT (QRZ.com). [Tnx RSGB IOTA]

21/05/2005:  Max, F6AXP reports that contacts made on May 21-22nd with
the following stations will count towards the DIFI (the French Inland
Islands Award): Monique/F5MLE (Ile de Naussac, DIFI 48-001L),
Jean-Pierre/F5XL (Ile San Damiano, DIFI 2B-001L), Didier/F5AOV (Ile de
Coudalere, DIFI 66-001L), Denis/F5NPS (Ile d'Alma, DIFI 08-001R),
Max/F6AXP (Ile des Roches, DIFI 15-001L). QSL for all via F5XL, direct
or bureau. [Tnx 425DXN]

21/05/2005:  Claude, F6AEW, will be active the morning of May 21st as
F6AEW/p from the Castle of Bois Cuille (DFCF reference 53-019),
Departement de la Mayenne (53). Look for him to be on 40 meter SSB. QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx F5AJI]

21/05/2005:  Radio Club F6KGI will be active May 21st as F6KGI/p from
the Villeneuve Mill (DMF reference 11-003 for the French Mills Award),
Commune of Villeneuve Minervois (CP 11160), Département de l'Aude (11).
QSL via home call (QRZ.com). [Tnx F5PEZ]

21/05/2005:  If time permits, Giuseppe, IK5WWA, will be active May 21st
from two references for the Italian Castles Award (DCI). He plans to
activate the Torre del Castellaccio di Montenero a Livorno [Tower of the
Castellaccio di Montenero to Livorno] (DCI LI-023) and the Castello
Sidney Sonnino o Romito di Quercianella a Livorno [Castle Sidney Sonnino
or Romito di Quercianella to Livorno] (DCI LI-024). Activity will be on
40 and 20 meters between 09:00 and 11:00 UTC. QSL via home call, direct
or bureau. [Tnx IK5WWA]

21/05/2005:  Kenji, JA4GXS/4, plans to be active May 21-22nd from Otsu
Island (IOTA AS-117, JIIA AS-117-110), Yamaguchi prefecture. QSL direct
to home call (Kenji Sasaki / JA4GXS, 2-15 Ishikannon-cyo,
Yamaguchi-city, 753-0038 JAPAN). [Tnx JI6KRV]

21/05/2005:  Uwe, DG3OW, will be in Scotland, planning to visit the Isle
of Skye (IOTA EU-008) as MM/DG3OW/p for one or two days between May 21st
and June 1st. The exact date is not known yet. Operating on 80, 40 and
20 meter SSB is planned while being on the Isle of Skye. QSL via home
call (QRZ.com). [Tnx RSGB IOTA News]

21/05/2005:  The 11th expedition of RK6YYA will take place from May 21st
to June 10th, 2005. The list of areas which are planned to be activated,
for the Russian Districts Award, is as follows: RO-57, 54, 52, 36, 32;
VG-26, 35, 39, 16, 18, 23; SA-34, 50, 27, 26, 17, 23, 45, 32; SR-38, 35,
22, 27, 31, 36, 41, 29, 30; OB-44; TA-32, 30; BA-73, 43, 41, 79, 74, 58,
53; CB-34; BA-69; CB-26, 41, 49, 14, 22, 54, 50, 43; KN-24, 23, 14, 25,
10, 05, 12, 13, 16, 21; TN-11, 17, 08; OM-20, 39, 21, 30, 19, 17; NS-33,
37, 12, 35, 19, 15, 22, 30; AL-32, 27, 62, 69, 13, 55, 50, 56, 33, 15,
13, 55,11, 71, 11, 59, 11, 70, 45, 40, 19, 18, 49, 19, 63, 49, 19, 08,
49, 24, 76, 34, 31, 68, 64, 53, 54, 51, 12, 52, 30, 51, 73, 14, 54, 17,
25,61, 29, 67, 20, 58, 35, 23, 43, 57. On the return trip they will
activate: NS-38 32, 17, 43, 42, 29, 45, 21, 40; OM-28; SR-36, 42, 43;
SA-55, 25, 43, 39, 07; and VG-17, 27, 30,14. The team will consist of:
RV6YZ, RV9FQ, RW4HIF and UA6AGE. The QSL manager is RX3RC and cards will
be sent 100% via the TAG QSL bureau. To send a QSL card is not
necessary. [Tnx RX3RC]

21/05/2005:  Laurent F5MNK, Eric F5LOW, Fabrice F5NBQ, Jacky F5OIU,
Bertrand F6HKA, Jean Philippe F4EEK and Christian F1SDQ will be active
May 21-28th from Levant Island (IOTA EU-070, DIFM ME-12). They will use
the special callsign TM0L (Tango Mike zero Lima). Look for them on 160
to 2 meter SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK-31. QSL via F5OIU. [Tnx F5NQL]

21/05/2005:  Sergei UA3IAJ & Co. will be active May 21st as homecall/p
from the Spirovsky Area TV-46, Tverskaya oblast (TV). QSL via home call,
direct or bureau. [Tnx RDA News]

21/05/2005:  Operators Sergey RU3EG, Aleksandr RU3EJ, Mikhail RV3ECW,
Yevgeny RZ3EC, Andrey RZ3EM and Igor UA3EDQ will be active May 21-22nd
as UE3EDA/3 from the following references for the Russian Districts
Award: Glinkovsky Area (RDA SM-08), El'ninsky Area (RDA SM-12),
Ershichsky Area (RDA SM-13), Krasninsky Area (RDA SM-15),
Monastyrshchinsky Area (RDA SM-16), Pochinkovsky Area (RDA SM-18),
Roslavl'sky Area (RDA SM-19), Rudnjansky Area (RDA SM-20), Smolensky
Area (RDA SM-22), Hislavichsky Area (RDA SM-26) and Shumjachsky Area
(RDA SM-28), Smolenskaya oblast (SM); Dubrovsky Area (RDA BR-13),
Rognedinsky Area (RDA BR-29), Bryanskaya oblast (BR). Activity will
start around 07:00 UTC May 21st on HF bands. QSL cards will be
automatically sent via the bureau for all contacts made. [Tnx RW9WA]

21/05/2005:  Wireless enthusiasts from Novaya Kakhovka, namely Yarik
UT7GX, Vlad US0GJ, Victor UY5HC and Vlad UT3GB will be active May 21st
as homecall/p from the Barrow Kamienski (good for the Barrows of Ukraine
Award), Beryslav district (HE-04 for URDA), Kherson Region. Activity
will be on all bands, CW and SSB. QSL via operators instructions. [Tnx

22/05/2005:  The Portuguese DX Group (GPDX) reports that the following
stations will be active May 22nd (06:00-16:00 UTC) for the Journey of
European Castles: CS1GDX - Forte da Crismina (DCFP F-009); CS4GDX -
Castelo Terena (DCFP C-002); CQ0GDX - Castelo Velho (DCFP C-003);
CS4GDX - Forte Milreu (DCFP F-099). QSL all calls via CS1GDX, direct
(P.O.Box 1156, 2736-996 Agualva, Portugal) or bureau. [Tnx CT1END]

22/05/2005:  Yann, F1SMB, will be active May 22nd from a new reference
(DFCF 56-028) for the French Castles Award. The castle is located in
Département du Morbihan (56). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx

22/05/2005:  Fabien, F4ESA, will be active May 22nd as F4ESA/p from the
Rene Mill (DMF reference 08-002 for the French Mills Award), Département
de l'Ardennes (08). Activity will be all day starting around 06:00 to
07:00 UTC. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx F5PEZ]

22/05/2005:  Radio Club F5KEM will be active May 22nd as F5KEM/p from
the Castle of Campagnac (DFCF reference 24-014 for the French Castles
Award), Departement de Dordogne (24). QSL via F5KEM, direct or bureau.
[Tnx F5OVZ]

22/05/2005:  Alain, F5NMK, will be active May 22nd as F5NMK/p from the
Castle of Niederstinzel (DFCF reference 57-009, DDCF 5715, CP 57930),
Département de la Moselle (57). QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
[Tnx F5NMK]

22/05/2005:  Radio Club F6KTM will be active May 22nd as F6KTM/p from
the Fort of Seclin (DFCF reference 59-055), Département du Nord (59).
QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx F6KTM]

22/05/2005:  J-François, F8BMN, will be active May 22nd as F8BMN/p from
the Castle of Voyaux (DFCF reference 59-070), located in Eppe Sauvage
(CP 59132), Canton of Trélon (DDCF 5964), Département du Nord (59). QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx F8BMN]

22/05/2005:  On Sunday May 22nd, for the European Castle day, IK2QPO/p
Luciano, IK2FOE/p Carlo, IK2EXH/p Tino and I2LEJ/p Rino will operate
from DCI-MI024 Rocca Viscontea di Lacchiarella (officiale name for the
Lacchiarella\'s Castle) on 40, 20 and 2m only phone. For information:
ZIP code 20084, Town reference is E395, WW locator JN45NH. QSL via
buraeu to each operator or via IK2QPO. [Tnx IK2QPO]

22/05/2005:  JN2TZB/2 plans to be active from May 22nd from Kaji Island
(IOTA AS-117, JIIA AS-117-003), Aichi prefecture. QSL via home call,
direct or bureau. [Tnx JI6KVR]

22/05/2005:  Laci HA0HW and Tomi HA4DX will be active as TK/HA0HW and
TK/HA4DX from Corsica (ITOA EU-014, DIFM TK-001, MIA MCO-001) on May
22-29th. They plan to operate on all HF bands on CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31
with two radios, DunaX and home-made verticals, dipoles on 160/80m. If
they find time to go out to one of the small coastal islands (EU-100,
EU-104 or EU-164) to operate, they will do it. QSLs are "OK" via the HA
QSL bureau or direct according to the details on QRZ.com. [Tnx OPDX]

22/05/2005:  RW4HIF, RW4HIH and RA4HT will be active May 22nd from the
Krasnoarmejsky Area (RDA reference SR-35 for the Russian Districts
Award) and the Volzhsky Area (RDA SR-27), Samarskaya oblast (SR).
Activity will begin around 06:00 UTC on CW and SSB. Call signs to be
QRV: UE4HDA (QSL via RW4HB) or personal /p (QSL via home call). [Tnx

23/05/2005:  Some members of Union of Radio hams of Las Palmas (URL),
will travel from Gran Canaria island to Fuerteventura island to be
active as ED8MPJ from Morro Jable, municipality of Pájara, in a special
and cultural event from May 23 to May 29, 2005. This activity will put
on the air the municipality of Pájara. References: DME 35.015, DIE S-06
and IOTA AF-004. The QSL Manager for this activity is Manuel Santos
and some operators from Fuerteventura Island. For more information visit
www.ea8url.com and www.qrz.com [Tnx EC8ADU]

24/05/2005:  YL operators Elizabeth, VE7YL and Gwen, VK3DYL will operate
from Nuku'alofa (IOTA OC-049) and Vava'u (IOTA OC-064) between May 24th
and June 8th. They will receive their callsigns upon their arrival.
Their expected activity will be on 40-10 meter CW and SSB. QSL via
VK3DYL, by the bureau or direct with 2 USDs or 1 new IRC. [Tnx OPDX]

24/05/2005:  Dave, N2NL, will be active May 24-31st as NK4AA from Key
West (IOTA NA-062, USI FL-040S, Monroe county), Florida. He will also be
participating in the CQ WPX CW Contest (May 28-29th). QSL via N2NL
(QRZ.com). [Tnx N2NL]

25/05/2005:  Special call UE6LLL will be active May 25-31st from the
Tarasovsky Area (RDA reference RO-60), Rostovskaya oblast (RO). QSL via
RK6MP, direct or bureau. [Tnx RDA News]

26/05/2005:  Duncan, EA5ON, will once again be active from Freeport,
Grand Bahama Island (IOTA NA-080) as GM7CXM/C6A. His provisional dates
are from May 26th to May 30th. As in previous years, this is a business
trip, but he hope to be fairly active on 80-10 meters, mostly on SSB but
also some digital, and perhaps participating a bit in the CQWW WPX CW
Contest. QSL via EA7JX, direct or via the bureau. [Tnx OPDX]

27/05/2005:  The Canary Islands DX Society will be active May 27-30th as
EF8CID to celebrate the Canary Islands Day. IOTA reference AF-004.
Activity will be on 15 meters only. All of the QSOs will be confirmed
automatically via bureau. Direct cards via EC8AUA. [Tnx 425DXN]

27/05/2005:  Look for JI1PLF/1, JA1UNS/1, 7N1GMK/1, 7L4PVR/1 to be
active May 27-30th from Hachijo Island (IOTA AS-043, JIIA AS-043-003).
Activity will be on 160-6 meter SSB, CW and PSK31. QSL via home calls,
direct or bureau. [Tnx JI6KVR]

27/05/2005:  Mikael SM4YWO, Mikael SM4YXA, Eddie SM4KMN, Matti SM4YWZ,
Ola SM4HAK and Matt SM4IED will be active May 27-29th as LA/SA4V from
Averöy Island (IOTA EU-036). Look for them on 80-10 meters. QSL via
SM4IED (QRZ.com). [Tnx RSGB IOTA News]

28/05/2005:  Jon, N0JK, will be active May 28-31st as VP9/N0JK from
Bermuda (IOTA NA-005), CQ WPX CW Contest included. During the contest,
emphasis will be on 160 and 80 meters. Outside the contest he will also
be on 6 meters with a 6M5X yagi and 100 watts, and 50 watts on 2 meters
to a Cushcraft Boomer yagi. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx

02/06/2005:  Adrian, G0KOM, will be operating from Gibraltar as
ZB2/G0KOM for the UKSMG 6 meter contest the first weekend of June. He
will be QRV hopefully from June 2nd until June 6th. Adrian hopes to
travel down to Gibraltar at least a further 2 times over the summer E,s
season, although primarily for 6 meters and will have full HF capability
and will operate on all bands appart from 160 when he has no 6m
conditions. QSL via home call. [Tnx UKSMG]

10/06/2005:  Mel, EA7AHS, will be active June 10-12th as CS0RCL/p from
Ilha da Culatra (IOTA EU-145, DIP AL-001). Look for him on 6m, 2m, 70cm,
and 1.2GHz. He will have a beacon on 50123 kHz. QSL via EA7AH (QRZ.com).

18/06/2005:  Look for VE3RCR/p to be QRV June 18th from the Kincardine
Rear Range Lighthouse (ARLHS CAN-264), Lake Huron, Ontario. Activity
will be on 40, 20 and 17 meters, usual ARLHS frequencies. QSL via home
call with SASE / SAE. [Tnx K2JXW]
73 and Good Hunting!
Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ
Home of ICPO: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/
Mirror: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/
Contest Calendar: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/contest.html
DX Calendar: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/dx_cal.html
Canadian Checkpoint For:
All Croatian Islands Award - ACIA
All Croatian Islands Award Group - ACIAG
The World Light House Diplom - TWLHD

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