The 2005 Most Wanted survey conducted by The DX Magazine is now available at  Please let all of your DXer friends know about the survey. 
The more input we get, the better the results.  Deadline for response is October 15, 2005. 

Click on the survey notice at the bottom of the home page and submit your "needs.
Please be careful when marking the boxes for your Continent and/or USA TIME ZONE.
Marking the wrong box will invalidate your response.

The complete results will be published in the Jan/Feb 2006 issue of  The DX Magazine, with a breakdown by mode in the Mar/Apr 2006 issue.  The Top 100 will be posted to the web site in mid-January 2006.

Carl Smith, N4AA
QRZ DX and The DX Magazine
Web site:
Phone/FAX:  828-683-0709     TOLL FREE:  877-397-8254
DX Column 
Editor for  CQ Magazine

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