The only ERs I've received a response from, both via buro, since they started using the ER prefix is ER5AL and ER4OT.
GL/Barry W2UP

Ken Boasi wrote:
I've also never received anything from ER-land. But I have SEEN the card from ER1DA at a local ham's house; he claimed it took about 3 weeks to get it.

I'm going to give it one more shot (tried twice already) and if nothing, I'll can it until I can work something with a manager or a ER/*** call.

Work the ER mult in a contest for the points, but use caution with QSL'ing!

Ken N2ZN

*/Rich Holoch Rich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

    I was one of the lucky ones - received QSL from ER4DX twice.



    On 2/2/07 6:35 PM, "Peter Dougherty" wrote:

    > At 08:54 PM 02/02/2007, Michael W Elliott wrote:
    >> Has anyone had success getting a card from ER4DX or ER1DA ??
    > Never. Save your money. I think both those clowns probably QSL one
    > out of every 1000 or so just to keep the rumor going that the reply.
    > Over the years I've tried registered, recorded delivery, regular
    > mail, with green stamps, IRCs and Moldovan mint stamps. Only ones I
    > ever got back were ER1QQ, and even then, only 2 out of 5
    requests came
    > through.
    > I won't even work any native hams from that country, and especially
    > not in contests.
    > Cheers,
    > Peter,
    > W2IRT
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Barry Kutner, W2UP Newtown, PA

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