By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, Associated Press Writer Mon Mar 19, 5:38 PM ET

WASHINGTON - The cost of mailing a letter will go up on May 14, but you'll be able to lock in that price ­ no matter how rates rise in the future ­ by buying the new "forever" stamp.

The post office governing board agreed Monday to accept the new 41-cent rate for first class mail recommended in February by the independent Postal Regulatory Commission.

The board also agreed to the proposal for a "forever stamp," that will always be valid for mailing a letter no matter how much rates increase.

James C. Miller III, chairman of the postal board, said the forever stamp could go on sale as soon as next month, at the 41-cent rate.

The rates taking effect May 14 include:

• Letters, bill payments, greeting cards: 41 cents for the first ounce, up from 39 cents.

• Wedding invitation (2-ounces), 58 cents, down from 63 cents.

• Postcard, 26 cents, up from 24 cents.

• Priority mail flat-rate envelope, $4.60, up from $4.05.

• Express Mail flat-rate envelope, $16.25, up from $14.40.

• Parcel Post, 1-pound package, $4.50, up from 3.95.

• Bank statement, 2 ounces, presorted, 45.9 cents, down from 54.4 cents.

• Utility bill, barcoded, 31.2 cents, up from 29.3 cents.

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