At 02:33 PM 04/26/2007, John Warren wrote:
Lou KE1F wrote;

Is time to be modern and replace paper QSLs for QSO confirmation?

Nope. I like browsing through my old-fashioned QSLs, and I'm quite willing to pay for that privilege. LOTW is fine as an option, but not as the ONLY method.

I'd be against the elimination of paper QSLing personally, but to be honest I think the League should be doing more to promote LoTW. If you're a casual operator and remember a lot of fun, special QSOs, paper cards are a fantastic way to do this. On the other hand, what does a DXpedition QSL manager need with 40,000 US hard-cards, or big-gun contest stations for that matter?

I prefer getting paper QSLs for 80 and 160m QSOs, but I'd much rather get LoTW hits for everything else -- especially contests, or when I run Europe or JAs from home. Unfortunately, too, LoTW is not accepted by CQ Magazine for CQ WAZ, 5B WAZ or other similar awards, so I still need paper cards for each zone.

One way would be is to mandate that DX Expeditions put logbook on LoTW if they want to be counted for DXCC credit.

The problem is donations to DXpeditions would dry up, or be curtailed severely if everything was LoTW-only. What I'd like to see the League do is say that beginning on a specific date down the road, a DXpedition must agree to post their complete logs to LoTW within one year of the operation if it is to count for DXCC.

I'd also like to see entrants to ARRL-sponsored contests either be required to submit to LoTW, be given bonus points for doing so or be penalized for not doing so, or better still, use the contest robot to automatically post the logs to LoTW.



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