Announcing 1 to 3 listening frequencies, alternating round robin seems a
great alternative to the overwide spread.

Another good operator in the recent VU7LD expeditidion announced the one
frequenncy he was listening and had great success with it.

No doubt the team is working very hard and is doing a great job. I am
still trying to get through, but as it was said on this list, with the
wide spread and so many operators calling before the current contact is
finished, it is impossible to hear the station being worked. And this
aside from the deliberate QRM on the DX freq. with all the outrageous
profanities being exchanged.

They had a CW and an SSB station on 20 working NA only. The NA and EU
window seem to overlap startingat 13 UTC, so people get impacient and
cause qrm. Maybe they could alternate and switch every hour, CW to NA
SSB to EU, then CW to EU and SSB to NA?

Right now I listen on 17m 18.130 good copy. The op is listening 138 to
150 working NA only, JA before and after, no EU.

I still hope to make it

73 Werner, HB9US

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