Go to Staten Island there are hundreds of people who just lost EVERYTHING they 
own and are sleeping is houses (or on the street) with no heat. Ham radio is a 
HOBBY.  Let's not forget that point. 

Richard T. Schweizer  W2CF

377 Canterbury Dr.

Ramsey,  NJ  07446


Telephone: (201) 825-4318

 > Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2012 11:32:52 -0600
> From: wn3...@verizon.net
> To: dx-news@njdxa.org
> Subject: Re: RE: [DX-NEWS] LOTW still off-line
> Look guys... I know that Logbook being down is unfortuante, and it's a pain, 
> but things like this happen sometimes, despite the best intentions, 
> procedures, precautions, and backups. Just ask any other IT professional... 
> we've all dealt with situations like this (or worse) at one time or another, 
> given enough time in the field.
> Wild speculation isn't going to help any.
> It is unfortunate that DX World published the claim that "~45%" of "recent 
> data" had been lost -- and I don't blame MM0NDX for publishing it, as he 
> received the alleged story from two or more sources. But pending accurate 
> information from the League to the contrary, I would take any such claim 
> (especially one that vague) with a huge grain of salt.
> Now with that all in mind... maybe the time has come to upgrade the LotW 
> servers & related infrastructure. And the user interface could certainly use 
> a little sprucing up, it's age is showing (though granted, it's clearly 
> designed to be functional, not pretty). These things can cost money... lots 
> of money. (Even if you, as a web designer, donate your time, your time is has 
> value to it). So I'd humbly suggest that you start thinking of ways to 
> improve the system, and ways to present them in a positive way to the 
> League... and that may include outright cash donations or other fund raisers. 
> That strikes me as a more positive exercise that wringing our hands, going 
> "oh woe is us! LotW is down" and otherwise acting like the proverbial Chicken 
> Little.
> 73, ron w3wn
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