VP6TC To Be HamCom DX Luncheon Speaker

The Lone Star DX Association is proud to announce that Tom Christian,
VP6TC and leader of the upcoming March 2002 Ducie Island Dxpedition,
will be the DX luncheon speaker at Ham-Com 2002 in Arlington, Texas,
June 7-8.

Christian, great-great-great-grandson of Fletcher Christian leader of
the famous "Mutiny on the Bounty" in 1789, is known as the voice of
Pitcairn as the island's most active ham radio operator.  He is also
president of the Pitcarin Island Amateur Radio Association (PIARA).

Tom will also have color slides and video from the Ducie Island
DXpedition scheduled for March 2002. With assistance from an ARRL Colvin
Award, PIARA plans to conduct the DXpedition from Ducie--which became
the newest ARRL DXCC entity as of November 16, 2001 and has not yet been
activated, making it the most-wanted DXCC entity. Poor weather scuttled
the initial attempt to land a DXpedition team on Ducie Island in
November. Christian, VP6TC, has announced that a international
DXpedition team now plans to depart by boat from Mangareva on March 12.
Once on Ducie Island, the DXpedition will use a VP6 call sign to be
announced at the start of the operation, which will include both SSB and
CW and possibly RTTY on 160 through 6 meters. In addition to Christian,
operators will include Kan Mizoguchi, VP6BK/JA1BK; Dave Brown, VP6DB;
Mike McGirr, K9AJ; Vince Thompson, K5VT; Miralda Warren, VP6MW; Jin
Fujiwara, JF1IST; and Mac Shimamoto, JA3USA. HF QSLs go to Garth
Hamilton, VE3HO. Six-meter QSLs go to JA1BK. Log checks will be
available on the "DX Cluster from Japan" Web site. More information is
available on the VE3HO QSL Manager Web page, and on WD4NGB's DX Is Web

Some 2,000 articles and books, 5 major motion pictures, and numerous
shorter documentary films have
looked into virtually every aspect of this mutiny led by Fletcher
Christian against Captain William Bligh.  It is undeniably one of the
most famous sea stories of all time. There is much disagreement as to
who was to blame for the incident, and the history remains, to this day,
an interesting topic for maritime history and South Pacific historians.

The people onboard the Bounty arrived on Pitcairn in late 1789 and
Pitcairners celebrate the January 23
as the day in 1790 when the Bounty was burnt. The community at Pitcairn,
wasn't located for 18 years until an American ship stopped at the
In 1808 an American sealing ship called Topaz (Captained by Mayhew
Folger) found Pitcairn; and  at that time only one of the original
mutineers (John Adams) was still alive. It was during the time the
Tahitians and Mutineers were on Pitcairn the Pitcairn/Norfolk (Pidgin
English) language was developed. It continued to be developed other
places they went. In the 1830's the Pitcairners were invited to Tahiti
by the Queen of Tahiti. They went but once they arrived they realized
that life there wasn't for them. They convinced an American captain,
William Driver to return them back to Pitcairn. They sailed on his ship
the Charles Doggett and arrived on Pitcairn on September 3 1831.

Pitcairn today is one of the world's most isolated inhabited islands as
ships call on the island only a few times a year.  It has a resident
population of about 60 persons.

Registration and DX luncheon information will be available soon at the
HamCom web page http://www.hamcom.org/
Lone Star DX Association web page

Additional information on Christian and Pitcairn Island is available at:

Pitcairn Island web page
(also includes Tom's normal on-air operating times and frequencies)
(includes map of the island)

In addition to the DX luncheon, the LSDXA is planning nearly two full
days of DX programs, activities, and lots of door prizes at the luncheon
and DX programs.

2001-2002 LSDXA Officers:
Bill Priakos, W5SJ, president, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Herb Blair, K5AT, Information Director, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bud Walton K5HW, treasurer, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bob Alexander W5AH, activities director, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tom Anderson, WW5L, membership director, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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