finally someone with common sence... hooray

José de Sá wrote:

> Aleluia for your explanation Ron.
> > I really don't understand why a few people are making such a fuss about
> this
> > all of a sudden.  Have we abandoned all semblance of common sense?
> ---> Because they don't know the facts, I mean the real facts, not what you
>        can hear in the media.
> Will WC6DX, a probable scenario is that the 4W prefix will transit from the
> UN
> to the Republica Popular de Timor-Leste, like we did with the XX9 prefix, we
> actually give it to China when we passed the sovereignity of the Territory
> to them.
> But then again, everything can happen.
> In the Timor issue, I, like many others, was there and happy to play a role
> in the
> Independence process, we had begin that fight in the late 80's in Portugal,
> but the
> real heroes are the people of East-Timor and a handfull of corageous
> Politicians,
> including an American.
> So, instead of worrying about whats going to happen now with the DXCC issues
> or whatever, we should think of whats going to be of the future of HAM Radio
> in
> East-Timor, you see, this issues or DX'peditioning just for the sake of DX
> are nice
> but do not help to establish the bases of a HAM Radio Service in the
> Country,
> there are NO East-Timorese HAMs, just foregneirs that are now leaving with
> the UN.
> (Nothing has been done until now, believe me I know what I'm talking about).
> So, lets discuss something constructive and find ways to motivate
> East-Timorese
> for HAM Radio, I have already started to work in that !
> 73
> Jose  CT1EEB
> (4W6EB former UN-WFP TC Officer in East-Timor)
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