Having handled piles of cards from my C6AFP trips over the years, I can
attest that being a manager is a labor of love.  It is much more work than
one might think.  Just keeping up with your own cards for DXCC purposes is
tedious.  Imagine a workload of about 1,000 times greater.  I have an
incredible amount of respect for those who volunteer as managers and insure
that we get the card we worked so hard for.

Steve, N4JQQ/C6AFP

Original Message:
From: Steven Wheatley KU9C [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 14:12:41 -0500
Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] VP6DI ?

Imagine perhaps 30,000 envelopes, 80,000 qsos in the log.  Imagine opening
each of the envelopes, verifying each of the qsos in each of the envelopes
against your log, and issuing a card based on this analysis.  If the qso is
not in the log, imagine putting a note to that effect in the envelope. 
Imagine what it would take you to do that...on top of the demands of your
daily life, such as work, family commitments, and the like.

Folks, it should never surprise you that someone else will get your card
days,w eeks, even months ahead of you.  Only one person will get their card
first.   It is VERY Possible that you and your buddy can send your cards in
the same day, at the same mailbox, and have your card come back at a
significantly different date than your friend.

It's all how the process works.

Most if not all managers will let you know when they have 'cleared the
pile'.  I know that for many of the dxpeditions I handle this year, that is
NOT the case yet...and I'm pretty sure based on an email discussion I had
recently with Garth,  that he is not there yet either.

Please have patience......qsl managing is a labor of love for the
manager......and not a high paying job.

This is not intended to be a criticism of anyone here...just a 'word to the
wise' of how things are in the world of QSL managing.  THe only way to
change this is to have the manager HOLD all the cards until he/she is done
processing, and then take a U-Haul to the post office, and dump them all in
the hopper at once.  Then, more or less, everyone gets their card at the
same time.

If  you think of the issues that would bring up, I suspect you'll agree the
current process is working quite fine.

Steve KU9C

Steve Wheatley KU9C 
PO Box 31
Morristown NJ  07963-0031 


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