I'm sure there is something really easy I'm missing here but I've been 
punching buttons for 2 hours now and I'm stuck, read and re-read the users 
guide and the help files  to no avail. it possible its there and I just 
don't see it after two hours.

I'm trying to set up PSK31 for the first time on this system ( I had 
done  it a year ago with a different computer), but never got around to it 
when I upgraded computer platforms

I know I'm getting audio into the sound card because I can hear it from the 
headphones in the sound card OUT and I can decode RTTY through the sound 
card when I'm using Writelog, I can not seem to get any signal display on 
the "waterfall" or the "spectrum" display..in PSK31 mode in DX4WIN?

  I'm running WIN98SE, DX4WIN 5.01 and a Creative Labs Sandblaster PCI-128


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