It looks like before printing, when I see the count of the numbers that
will go to a counrty that has a non-active bureau,
I can change the method for _those_ qsls to direct
or something else.

That seems to solve my problem nicely.

I also looked at "Labels: Change QSL routing".
Very interesting - I didn't even know that existed!

Thank you very much, Larry

On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 20:19:38 -0500, Paul van der Eijk wrote:

>Before printing, you will see the count of the numbers that 
>will go to a country was a buro that is not active.
>Also, check out the command 'Labels: Change QSL routing
>and note that you can double-click in that window to find
>the matching QSOs.
>At 12:43 PM 2/11/02 -0600, Larry Alkoff wrote:
>>I routinely mark all QSL's Method = Bureau
>>and print all QSL's using Method All.
>>This separates the various Methods 
>>but QSL's that are marked Bureau
>>but have no bureau end up in the Bureau batch.
>>Did I say that right?
>>I try to keep the ARRL list of countries without bureaus
>>handy but it's cumbersome and I'l like to automate
>>the process of separating those cards out.
>>Is there any way?
>>A possible enhancement?
>>It takes over 6 months to find out
>>I made a mistake and sent ARRL cards that cannot
>>go to a bureau.
>>Larry Alkoff N2LA
>>Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX
>>Dx4win mailing list
>Paul van der Eijk (KK4HD)
>Dx4win mailing list

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

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