> ADIFComment.exe is a program that will add a COMMENT field to all the QSOs
> in an ADIF file destined to be imported into DX4Win.  In my case this
> would be from WriteLog.
> It is a quick and dirty file that I wrote in an hour after reading the
> thread in this reflector where the poster lamented having to post a string
> containing the name of the contest into "Notes for this QSO" field of a
> LOT of QSOs.  The COMMENT field in an ADIF file goes into the "Notes for
> this QSO" field in DX4Win.
> A couple of replies pointed out that he could import a contest as a group,
> but I felt that marking them made sense too.  I KNOW that if did it by
> putting a contest in as a group that I would certainly lose the piece of
> paper that had the map of which group was what contest!  So I wrote this
> program.  If you are interested in it then point your browser at URL:
> ftp://k7log.no-ip.org/ADIFComment.zip.
> The ZIP file contains a ReadMe, the program, the source code and some test
> ADI file that I picked up from the ADIF Web site.
> I have imported some trivial ADI files into DX4Win with no problems, but
> you should back up your log before you try it for the first time.
> One important caveat should be noted.  If any QSO in an ADIF file already
> have a comment field to start with then that QSO will end up with two
> comment fields and DX4Win will join them together in the order in which
> they are encountered.
> 73s,
> -ricK7log

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