An earlier logging program that I used (LogPlus) had the facility to add a
line to any imported QSOs from a contest, at the import stage.
I used this to say CQWW Test etc. in the "notes for this QSO field" and it
then appeared on all the QSOs imported.
No I don't want to use the group numbers for this as I already use them for
my different calls and this works very well.
Surely this would be an easy addition to the import routine.
Please, please.

George 5B4AGC
Web Page

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Larry Alkoff
Sent: 22 February 2002 14:42
To: dx4win
Subject: [Dx4win] A plea for more Multiple QSO Operations

I have just completed pasting info
Notes for This QSO
nearly 2000 strings
consisting of "2002 ARRL CW DX Contest".

A very tedious task consisting of three finders
to Shift-Insert followed by F10.

Multiple QSO Operations are already
permitted  on
set group number
set confirmed
set USA states
set QSL date and
set mode

Since the above are already coded it probably would not
be too difficult to add
set Notes for This QSO.

Best if it added to any existing note.

This would eliminate much tedium for those of us
who routinely import or merge large numbers of QSO's.

Thanks and 73,
Larry Alkoff N2LA

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

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