Hi All. Thank you all for the help you have given me in the past but I am still suffering.
For a ham, there are three great traumatic experiences Bereavement; divorce; changing your logging program. I am in the throes of the last of these. I converted from Logplus. It had a facility to indicate that 'A' indicate that QSL Cards had been accepted for DXCC(over 1500), IOTA(500) and several other awards totalling another thousand. To track awards I am reduced to using the paper record sheets. Is there any way of inputting this information without having to identify a qso for each award. I know I can convert the 4000+ QSO that I have confirmed to submitted and them to accepted but this will not solve the problem. Now it would be necessary to un-accept those that did not apply. Suggestions please. 73 Roger --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alternative text/plain (text body -- kept) text/html The reason this message is shown is because the post was in HTML or had an attachment. Attachments are not allowed. Please post in Plain-Text only.---