Here's how I handle this.  I don't use DX4WIN for contesting so the "Recvd"
field is a freebie for me.  I track Mixed, CW, SSB & RTTY countries by putting
the correct combination of "M", "C", "S" & "R" in the "Recvd" field when I work
a new one.  Then using a filter I can see all first worked Mixed countries, 
It's a pain to start this process, going back into old contacts but it can be
made easier by filtering on all contacts of particular mode and then 
sorting the
window by "Prefix".  Then it's fairly easy to pick out the first contact 
for each
new Prefix.

73 de Terry KK6T

At 05:23 PM 3/11/2002 -0700, Dean Norris wrote:
>I would like to get a list of DXCC countries in the order worked and which 
>Any way of sorting this?
>Dx4win mailing list

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