I don't know about everybody else, but with the ARRL move toward =
sanctioning Internet-based QSLing, I have begun using eQSL. It works OK, =
it is fast, but it is not as exciting as opening envelopes from the =
mailman. I still enjoy - and can't imagine ever abandoning - the =
traditional practice of sending and collecting "real" QSL cards.

The problem is that DX4WIN regards a QSL as a boolean [Yes/No] event - =
you either have a confirming QSL, or you do not. With the arrival of =
e-QSL's, I will want to track more than one receipt per QSO: When did I =
send/receive an eQSL? When did I send/receive a physical QSL? And, of =
course, there would need to be reports that differentiate, for example =
"e"-DXCC versus "classic"-DXCC.

Is anyone tracking those two mechanisms in DX4WIN today? How?


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