Hi Folks,
I have not done much QSLing in a long time. I am home for a few days and
wanted to get caught back up. I have used the same QSL Cards and printer for
a long time. I have the same paper definition for the QSL card. When I go
into Labels | Print QSL Labels | QSL Method | (Pick a method). I have one
that has 61 QSOs listed, but it only prints one card. The one that has 1
does not print the card. I did not want to do my buro list (way too many,
but I will print them this weekend..maybe) yet.
When I go to Edit | Preview and print, the demo two cards work just fine.
The menu on the Top says # of QSOs, but I do not seem to get all of the
cards to show up in the print preview.....
What am I doing wrong??


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