Heck, that is what I do with just 2 windows in win98. If I can't log from 
mmtty or click on calls in dx4win, why would I want to link them? Here I 
was about set to upgrade(?) to win2k just for that reason. I am glad 
someone clarified it before I took the leap.

At 03:27 PM 1/21/03, ON4AOI wrote:
> > I followed your instructions and have got it to work using win 2k. How do
> > you log your qsos into DX4WIN. If you can't do this then I can't see the
> > point.
>I use this combo to work a NEW DXCC or BANDPOINT,
>not to make long runs in RTTY, when I intend to do that
>I use a dedicated program for RTTY and import them later
>in DX4WIN.
>But you can copy and paste from one window to another easy
>since this is not a very quick mode you have plenty of time
>when you are sending out a buffer.
>If you grab a spot from the packet cluster you have most of details also.

Jim Rhodes K0XU

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