I do not think I will upgrade to soon as I did not see much in it that I =
can use here on the
islands.  One new is the IOTA fill in which I do not want as like right =
now Bernard just actived
OC-256 and hopefully will go to the other new one which will be OC-257 =
so would have to change
it in the log and add a new number which I have never had a problem =
with...I have over 600 works
and counting.  If guy need a contest program get one and just import log =
via adi.....do not spoil
a good logging program with all this PSK31 and CW and RTTY.....and I do =
all with out the internet
I have my share of plaque and certificates on the wall from RTTY, SSB, =
IOTA plus others...

(((73)))Larry, AH8LG

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