I print mass QSLs about once a year.  One of the issues I face when 
approaching the task (I print using a custom label definition, directly on 
sheets of uncut QSLs, 4 to a page) is whether I have enough sheets 
pre-printed to handle the task.  I reason, perhaps incorrectly, that if I 
do the whole thing in one flight and run out of sheets, I will be unable to 
mark as QSLed those I have actually printed, while cancelling the 
rest.  Since it may take a few days to get more printed, I face the 
prospect of either having to leave DX4WIN paused at that point or starting 
over and figuring out manually where to restart.

In the past, I have usually handled this by printing 25 sheets at a time, 
but it would surely be nice to have the software tell me not only how many 
QSOs it intends to print, but also how many labels will be required, given 
the current label definition.  I believe BV does this -- could DX4WIN be 
taught to do it?

73, Pete N4ZR
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