
Run a preview of the print job.


At 02:43 PM 3/27/03 -0500, Pete Smith wrote:
>I print mass QSLs about once a year.  One of the issues I face when 
>approaching the task (I print using a custom label definition, directly on 
>sheets of uncut QSLs, 4 to a page) is whether I have enough sheets pre-printed 
>to handle the task.  I reason, perhaps incorrectly, that if I do the whole 
>thing in one flight and run out of sheets, I will be unable to mark as QSLed 
>those I have actually printed, while cancelling the rest.  Since it may take a 
>few days to get more printed, I face the prospect of either having to leave 
>DX4WIN paused at that point or starting over and figuring out manually where 
>to restart.
>In the past, I have usually handled this by printing 25 sheets at a time, but 
>it would surely be nice to have the software tell me not only how many QSOs it 
>intends to print, but also how many labels will be required, given the current 
>label definition.  I believe BV does this -- could DX4WIN be taught to do it?
>73, Pete N4ZR
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Paul van der Eijk (KK4HD)

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