I don't think it's an ISP issue.  Many of us have installed DX-Telnet to handle
telnet for DX4Win & Writelog.  With DX-Telnet running there is NO disconnection
from the same telnet sites that routinely get disconnected using DX4Win alone.

73 de Terry KK6T

At 01:32 PM 9/16/2003 -0400, Roger D Johnson wrote:
>Hi All...
>  When I want a high speed connection I also connect to W1GQ, K1EA
>or K1TTT and I ALWAYS get disconnected after a while! I'm using
>6.02 on a Win 2000 machine through a DSL connection. It must be
>some sort of an ISP function.
>73, Roger
>Dx4win mailing list

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