I switched from 5.03 to version 6.03.
I can open the QSL maanfer data file from 6.03 and cannot access
the datafile (File - Database - QSL Managers). The accesable files
are Labels - Managers Addresses - Reports.
I would like to get my old QSL info data merged.
What might be wrong ? All is OK under version 5.03.

From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon May 24 07:06:33 2004
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Carter Grabarczyk)
Date: Mon May 24 18:48:57 2004
Subject: [Dx4win] Reflector down?

Is the DX4Win reflector down or did I somehow unknowingly get 
"unsubscribed"? (If so, how do I re-subscribe?)

Haven't seen any posts for a couple of weeks (and thought there would be 
a lot of activity due to the release of 6.03).


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