Hello Gentlemen,

I am running Version 5.02 and obviously The Chesterfields aren't in the 
database.  Your assistance appreciated.  Currently, TX9 shows as France.

73, Bob K3UL
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Oct 17 10:04:25 2004
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Garrett)
Date: Sun Oct 17 10:04:25 2004
Subject: [Dx4win] TX9 Now Recognized

Thanks for everyone who responded.  A simple fix.  My mistake, Chesterfields 
are in my database, TX9 wasn't mapped to FK/C.  Fixed.

73, Bob K3UL  
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Oct 17 13:22:06 2004
Date: Sun Oct 17 13:22:34 2004
Subject: [Dx4win] Spot filtering by zone pbm

Previously, with VHF packet cluster and  dx4win 5.03, I used  announce
filtering by zone of alert origin, which worked OK.
After starting using 6.03 and TCP/IP for announcement, spot window shows
packets coming from everywhere, despite that in Preferences/Packet 1 (or
RTTY) window I have entered #14,#15,#16 in Prefixes/Zones for spotters box
to limit spots only to those announced by European stations.

I can filter spots directly via a cluster command "accept/spots by_zone
14,15,16" , but am curious is dx4win presuming this when TCP/IP is used and
in this case ignores it's own filter?

Any comments?
Radi F6GNZ

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