
     Why the county information does not show in the auto lookup with QRZ-CD it 
does show with the flying horse callbook, it will be very useful if it does. 
and is this thing have to be fixed in QRZ-CD or DX4Win?

Thank you

de 9k2hn
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Oct 17 14:52:39 2004
Date: Sun Oct 17 14:52:37 2004
Subject: [Dx4win] Spot filtering by zone pbm
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi, Radi.

I don't _know_ how DX4Win works, but here's what I suspect.  DX4Win 
filters what comes to it from the cluster.  If the cluster is configured 
to filter spots, DX4Win applies its filters to that already-filtered 

So, if your TCP/IP connection is set up to filter out all spots other 
than zones 14, 15 and 16, then DX4Win will only see spots for those 
three zones.  It will apply its own filters to that stream.

I hope that helps.  Personally I prefer the cluster-side filtering, but 
that's because I'm doing more complex filters (low bands, vhf, uhf) that 
I find more easily configured on the cluster.  That's my preference 
right now.  I've used DX4Win's zone filters successfully, too.

vy 73
Kevin K7VI

Radivoj KAR wrote:

>Previously, with VHF packet cluster and  dx4win 5.03, I used  announce
>filtering by zone of alert origin, which worked OK.
>After starting using 6.03 and TCP/IP for announcement, spot window shows
>packets coming from everywhere, despite that in Preferences/Packet 1 (or
>RTTY) window I have entered #14,#15,#16 in Prefixes/Zones for spotters box
>to limit spots only to those announced by European stations.
>I can filter spots directly via a cluster command "accept/spots by_zone
>14,15,16" , but am curious is dx4win presuming this when TCP/IP is used and
>in this case ignores it's own filter?
>Any comments?
>Radi F6GNZ
>Dx4win mailing list
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Oct 17 20:10:38 2004
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joe Stepansky)
Date: Sun Oct 17 20:10:37 2004
Subject: [Dx4win] New user - incorrect country total

Hello all!

Finally jumped in and am switching to DX4Win.  One quick question, as I 
haven't gone through the manual yet (but promise to do so).  After 
importing my QSOs, I noticed my country counts were a little off.  No big 
deal, I expected a few glitches here and there.

What puzzles me is the DXCC listing which has W for a mode for which I have 
a confirmation.  For example, under CE0Z - Juan Fernandez, I have a W under 
SSB.  But in looking at the QSOs for CE0Z on SSB (I absolutely love this 
feature...double click and get the QSOs), I see I worked CE0Z and there's a 
Y in the Cnfm box.  That's all accurate, as I have the QSL in hand (and 
it's been through the DXCC desk processing).

So why do I still have W in the CE0Z SSB box?

I'm sure I'll have other questions, but this one should get me going for 
now.  Thanks!

73, Joe KQ3F

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