Hi all,
I'm looking for an updated IOTA database.
Anyone can point me the way?
Tks in advance and let the force be with you.
73' de ON4ATW Theo.
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue Sep 21 21:28:08 2004
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jay Sewell)
Date: Tue Sep 21 21:33:48 2004
Subject: [Dx4win] ICOM IC-7800

Help!   I am new to this reflector and cannot find any reference to this
problem in the archives.
I have interfaced DX4WIN, Ver 6.03, with the ICOM IC-7800
It reads and writes frequencies, sets spot frequencies and modes, etc.
correctly to the MAIN VFO just fine
It sets the SPLIT function ON when the spot indicates split operation, or
if SPLIT is already set and the 
spot has no split indicated, turns split off if it was already on.
Problem is that SUB VFO frequency and mode are NOT set.  For example if the
spot indicates split, and shows the split
frequency, the split function is turned on but the frequency and mode of
the SUB VFO is not changed.
Should I expect the frequency and mode to change in the SUB vfo?   If so,
anyone know how to make it happen?
( Sure gotta pay attention to that, embarrasing to make calls on the wrong
freq, band, etc, HI )
Thanks for help
Jay  W5SL

Jay Sewell

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