I have recently put together a PC using an Asus V7A880 MB & Asus Video card
& 1 MB of RAM.
It includes a Conexant modem, CD/DVD R/W drive and Serial ATA HD using Win
XP Pro. I have put together many PCs in the past but none with the problems
I have experienced with this one.

With XP and all the other compenents updated to the latest driver release I
have had nothing but problems after the MK software was installed. The PC
will arbitrarily hang, sometimes when not much is going on. The last hang
was while I was moving the cursor with the mouse. Nothing much else was
going on. The modem is used because I have only dialup here. I am using
DX4Win and N1MM. I haven't even been able to try MMTTY yet.

I think all was well until the MK was installed but I have redone the
software so many time that I am no longer sure of the sequence of events.

Has anyone had similar experience with a similar software setup and did you
get it running? Any suggestions as to what to try? I am thinking of going
back to Win2K.


Les W2LK

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