Jim, AD1C, has some very good update tips on his web site for when you 
are changing versions.  But I find myself confused on the Country 
Files MERGE stuff.

I just upgraded from 6.04 to 7.0.  Jim says it is best NOT to merge 
country files unless you really have to so I did not do so.  I just 
let ver 7.0 use the Country files that came with it.

Using ver 6.04 I had sent out a bunch of QSL's.  In doing so I found 
many of the QSL mangers listed in the country file to be inaccurate (I 
know, this has been discussed before).  On the cards I sent out I 
researched the correct QSL Managers and put that call in the log page 
QSL manager box and downloaded the manager's address to print address 
labels.  Using F3 the external databases will give you different QSL 
Mgr info than shown in the Logger QSL Mgr box provided by the DX4WIN 
Country file.  I replace the Country file mgr with the one shown by 
the F3 data.

Now, in ver 7.0 those changes made in ver 6.04 to the QSL Managers and 
their downloaded address are gone.  Makes sense as the new Country 
file provided with 7.0 will not have those changes that I made.

So, bottom line, what exactly happens when you do a MERGE when 
updating?  I am sure there is new info in the newest Country file that 
you would want to have available so I would not want to just copy my 
old Country file over when doing updates but how to I keep my QSL Mgr 

I know some of my confusion comes from the thought process on my part 
that a Country file is just an updated list of current prefixes in use 
and any changes to them as is used in CT and other contest software. 
But in DX4WIN it is more as it also contains QSL Mgr info.

I want to have the latest changes to country's prefixes but I want to 
keep my corrected QSL Mgr updates.  Is this possible?  How do other 
handle this?

TIA & 73

Alan Zack
Amateur Radio Station K7ACZ
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Quality Engineer, The Boeing Company, Retired
Aviation Chief Warrant Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, Retired

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