Hi Everyone,

I just spent a couple of hours pouring through the manual and help and
can't find a way to include the "Notes for this QSO" on the label. 
Does anyone know of a way to do that??  I can include the "Notes for
this Call" but not for the QSO.

I often put information in that line that I want to reference on the QSL card.

Thanks in advance and 73!


Tom LeClerc, Amateur Radio Station W1TJL
 (past calls WB1CBY, /VE8, /VE1, /VO8)

          LeClerc Consulting
            eBay ID Fangers
         email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        PC/Network Consulting
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue May 31 17:55:43 2005
Date: Tue May 31 18:07:24 2005
Subject: [Dx4win] Pricing version 7 and beyond


When I think of the hundreds of dollar bills I 
stick into envelopes every year in the hope of 
getting qsls for DXCC 25$ doesn't seem to 
be much. Then there's the thousands I 
handed over eight days ago for a new radio.  
And it doesn't end there!

No wonder I drive about in a beat up old van 
instead of a nice new car.


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