Hi Everyone...

First of all, Happy Holidays (whichever one(s) you and yours 

Tried to enter St Barthelemy (FJ) into the countries database on 
DX4WIN (Ver 7.03.??) and ran into some problems.

1.  Don't know the ITU zone (ought to, but don't)...but that's the 
easy one of the problems

2.  Followed the directions from the manual for entering the new 
country and everything went as expected until I got to the part 
(middle of page 121 of the printed manual) where it says, "Now 
switch from the 'Details' tab to the 'Mappings' tab. Go to the 
pull-down menu and select 'Mappings' and then 'Add.'  Five fields 
shoud appear under the 'Mappings' tab...."  Those five fields are 
there, but there is no labeling of them.  Tried to more or less 
reset the whole thing by getting out of everything, going back and 
doing it all over, but no joy.....I have not a clue why this 
happened...If you can help, PLEASE DO!!!

I guess I'll have to wait until I get the answer on the first 
question before I'll know what happens after I get it!!


Karl, K1KO
Virginia Beach 

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