I've had a Pro-II connected to DX4WIN for years and have never had a problem.

Make sure that you have "CI-V Transceive" set to "OFF" on the "Others 
Set" menu, because that can cause issues.

I personally have my rig set to a baud rate of 19200 and the CI-V 
address set to 64h, and of course the settings match in DX4WIN.
At 06:31 PM 2/16/2008, Russell Stevens wrote:
>Does anyone have an ICOM 756 Pro II that works correctly with 
>DX4WIN?  We are not using the CT 17/ICOM interface but are using a 
>USB cable/port.  We know the cable is working since it
>works with another log program perfectly and instantaneousely.
>We keep trying DX4WIN but the results are unpredictable.
>Sometimes you get the band/frequency information and sometimes you don't.
>I keep trying and am waiting for a reply from technical support but 
>thus far no luck.
>Thanks for any help you can give a new DX4WIN user.
>Russell, WB4HHN
>Check out my web page:  http://mysite.verizon.net/resumo8i/
>Dx4win mailing list

         David - K2DBK

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