On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 6:36 AM, Larry Burke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I vaguely remember the following problem being discussed before, but do not
> recall the final resolution and can't seem to find the answer in the
> archives.
> I upload/download to LoTW a few times a year, so I am by no means a power
> user. Today I noticed that, following an import of my confirmed QSOs from
> LoTW to DX4WIN, the only QSOs showing an "Upl Cnf" are those that also show
> a country in the final column of the LoTW table of confirmed QSOs on the
> website.
> I selected "Show Details" when performing the download.

"Upl Cnf", if I understand it correctly, means that ithe uploaded QSO
has been confirmed on LotW. LotW marks confirmed QSOs by putting the
country name in the table. (You don't give an entity when uploading a
QSO, you just provide your country. The other station tells LotW what
entity their side of the QSO took place from. Then LotW has the info
it needs to put the country name in the confirmation.)

I think it's working as intended.
Rick Murphy, CISSP-ISSAP, K1MU/4, Annandale VA USA
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed Feb 27 12:59:17 2008
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Burke)
Date: Wed Feb 27 13:03:05 2008
Subject: [Dx4win] LoTW Question

Thanks for the reply, Rick. Guess I am either still unclear on the concept
or I am doing something wrong. Let me provide a specific example:

I uploaded my log from mid December 2007 to the current date. This included
some 20 VP6DX contacts. All 20 of these VP6DX QSOs were matched on LoTW. But
on the LoTW web page some VP6DX QSOs showed the country name "Ducie Island"
and for other VP6DX QSOs the country name was blank. When I downloaded the
ADIF file from the ARRL server (having selected "Imported QSO set Upload
Confirmed Flag") those QSOs for which the country name was shown as "Ducie
Island" had a "Y" in the "Upl Cnf" column of my DX4WIN log. Those QSOs for
which the country was blank in LoTW did not have a "Y" in the "Upl Cnf"
column of DX4WIN. 

This was very obvious with the VP6DX QSOs since there were so many in one
block. So I checked back at QSOs with other stations. Same thing.... Even if
confirmed in LoTW, if there is no county name in the column there is not a
"Y" in the "Upl Cnf" column of DX4WIN

- Larry K5RK

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Rick Murphy
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 11:10 AM
To: dx4win@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Dx4win] LoTW Question

On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 6:36 AM, Larry Burke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I vaguely remember the following problem being discussed before, but 
> do not recall the final resolution and can't seem to find the answer 
> in the archives.
> I upload/download to LoTW a few times a year, so I am by no means a 
> power user. Today I noticed that, following an import of my confirmed 
> QSOs from LoTW to DX4WIN, the only QSOs showing an "Upl Cnf" are those 
> that also show a country in the final column of the LoTW table of 
> confirmed QSOs on the website.
> I selected "Show Details" when performing the download.

"Upl Cnf", if I understand it correctly, means that ithe uploaded QSO has
been confirmed on LotW. LotW marks confirmed QSOs by putting the country
name in the table. (You don't give an entity when uploading a QSO, you just
provide your country. The other station tells LotW what entity their side of
the QSO took place from. Then LotW has the info it needs to put the country
name in the confirmation.)

I think it's working as intended.
Rick Murphy, CISSP-ISSAP, K1MU/4, Annandale VA USA
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