Are you sure you're talking about DX4WIN and not some other program, like Writelog? The RTTY window in DX4WIN has nothing to do with packet.

The RTTY window layout *may* resemble the packet window, but the RTTY window says "RTTY" at the top, and the Packet Window says "Packet Window" at the top.

If you can send me some screen captures, I might be able to understand what you think you see.

73 - Jim AD1C

On 6/23/2008 8:52 PM, Paul Ferguson wrote:

When I connect to packet via Internet, it is the RTTY Window in Dx4win where I
right click and select "Internet connection". I think this is what is meant by
"RTTY telnet".


On 6/23/2008 7:04 PM, wo2n wrote:

A Ham friend of mine has downloaded the latest version.
He is trying to get the RTTY telnet to work. Can feature be used with
demo software?
What do you mean by "RTTY telnet"?  I've never heard of this!

If you mean telnet to a DX Cluster, you must configure Packet1
preferences to Type=Regular, COM Port=TCP/IP.

Then when the Packet Window comes up, right-click and select "Internet

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C/Ø, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
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