Hi John, and the fellows...

1. I wanted to only print those labels which meet the selection of
Confirmed=Y and Label=Y.  When I tried to print labels, it would not take
the selection - it wanted to print all of them.  So, I created a new file
using DX4WIN export version 6.01 and later, the latest export filter I
have (I'm running V7.03).  The file it created had a DXQ extension, not
DXL, so couldn't be opened.  Or, should I have used the import function?

Yes, you have to re-import from the DXQ file.  But it will not help...

2. So, I created an ADIF file instead, created a new DXL file and
imported that.  I had my 144 QSOs OK, although the Label field lost the
Y's. I used that file to print the labels I needed OK.

3. Now I need to use the Multiple QSO function to place today's date in
the 144 selected ones in the real file.  Whoops, it uses the QSO date.???
What did I do wrong there?  I guess I'll have no trouble resetting the
print flag, but I need a good date.  And, I could import them, replacing
the originals, but I think that ADIF fails to carry along much needed
fields, like Checked, etc., so can't do that.

I just went back and created a new blank file, and imported the Version 6
file.  Now I see all of the fields OK, but every record now says,
"Invalid"(DX).  The preferences are OK and I re-imported them just in

It is a bug in the v7.04 DX4win.

Where do I go from here?

1.  First of all:  make a backup copy of your original .dxl files (if you
didn't it before).  Then...

2.  Go back to your original log file (before your step 1) and change the
QSL method of the QSOs you want to make a label (or that of the QSOs you
don't want to make a label, whatever it is easier), to an unused method
(for example $$$).  You may use the multiple QSO function (after filtering
QSOs with Label=y, Cfm=n).

3.  Print the labels ONLY for the method(s) you want.  You might have to
print in several steps (one for Bureau, another for Direct, etc.), setting
the QSL date every time.

4.  Finally, restore the QSL method you changed in step 2.

I hope this help...

73 de Isidro, EA8NQ
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