My Dymo label printer recently went on the blink, so I am experimenting with 
printing cards directly from my HP LaserJet 2035n printer.  I am wondering if 
anyone has had any success printing cards with a LaserJet.  I am finding that 
the printed text is not adhering to the card and tends to flake off.  I have 
two types of QSL cards -- one glossy finish and the other a more normal card 
stock type finish.  Both seem to have the same problem.  I can print the QSL on 
to regular copy paper and the text adheres just fine.  So I am thinking it has 
something to do with the thickness of the card stock that does not allow the 
card to roll through the printer evenly enough to get a good heat seal on the 

I may have to revert to printing out sheets of labels in the LaserJet.  BTW, I 
have noticed that the labels that I printed from the Dymo Label printer tend to 
fade over several years time.  Thus, I do not want to go back to the Dymo 
printer.  I need to find something that printers more permanently.  I was 
hoping the my LaserJet might do that directly on the card stock.  But so far no 
luck.  Any help would be appreciated.

Dave Perry, N4QS
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