My suggestion of how I like to log receive, transceive and transmit
frequencies has evolved over time, primarily in the age before
computer logging, when I wrote QSL cards out by hand and used
frequency rather than band.

Again, you are logging improperly.  It may not matter to you as an
Amateur Extra class operator but to an Advanced/General it does.

The log, to the extent to which one chooses to maintain one today, is
the *legal record* of the station's transmissions.  If a DX Station
transmitting at 14.024 and listening up works a General transmitting
at 14.026 and the General logs the frequency (which is defined in
the ADIF standard as "my transmitting frequency") he is logging an
*illegal transmission*.

Now, you may wish that DX4Win would print *your receive frequency*
on a QSL card - that's a completely different matter - but to LOG
the receive frequency as you do is completely contrary to every norm
(just like someone who wires the dit contact on their paddles to the
ring instead of the tip) for more than 80 years.  I have some logs
from my wife's grandfather in which the transmit frequency was
logged - not the receive frequency.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 10/12/2013 2:06 AM, K0CF wrote:
With my previous post, I was hoping to produce
a discussion of improvements needed in DX4Win,
and we have a reasonable start. Some comments
for a couple of the replies:

To Joe, W4TV, I respectfully disagree. In 54
plus years of hamming I have found things that
work for me. My suggestion of how I like to log
receive, transceive and transmit frequencies
has evolved over time, primarily in the age
before computer logging, when I wrote QSL cards
out by hand and used frequency rather than band.
The DX station needs to see his transmit frequency
on my QSL, not mine, which he doesn't log anyway.
By doing receive/transceive frequency in one
column and my transmit frequency in a separate
column, I could always use the first frequency
column in filling out the card, regardless of
whether the QSO was simplex or split. I still
prefer that arrangement for browsing my logs --
I want to see the DX's frequency first.

I very well know the definition of QSX, but it
doesn't really have anything to do with how I
like to log QSO info. And it must be noted that
my transmit frequency is ALWAYS logged by this

And to Mike, R3BM, thank you for jogging my
memory! I just had this nagging feeling that
there was something I was leaving out, and auto
connection to the cluster is it. Not just
reconnect after interruption, but automatically
connecting on DX4Win startup. I always use the
same node (unless it's down for some reason),
so DX4Win should at least to try to connect on
program startup. It is a real annoyance to have
to go through the connect sequence every time I
start an operating session (even though it is
just a mouse click, three presses of "Enter"
and a mouse click on my "Login" macro button).
My login macro issues an SH/DX/100 command to
immediately populate the Spots window, and it
would be nice if DX4Win did that as well. Both
DXLab and HRDeluxe automatically connect on

Support for two rotators would be nice for
those who are lucky enough to have two or more
towers. I have only one 40 foot tower, so that
feature wasn't on my list.

Well, guys... What do you think needs to be
added or fixed for the next release?

Craig, K0CF

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