Doing a search for IOTAMSG I had 2824 hits. Most were for JA calls that I did 
not enter an IOTA number, plus ZL, UA9, IT9, 9M6, DU, YB calls IOTA fills where 
I had not entered an IOTA number. KP4 added Island name.

ZK1USA IOTAMSG changedOC013 to OC014. QRZ.COM says Rarotonga which is OC014

I have a strange entry for K5K Kingman Reef DXpedition Oct 2000. My QSL cards 
says OC-096. Notation in NOTES for this QSL says: IOTAMSG: Bad Island=00006312

PJ2/W8WTS shows IOTAMSG: Bad Island=00008464

3D2R/MM 09/2011 IOTAMSG: Added IOTA But was /MM, not IOTA

XF1AA says IOTAMSG: Bad Island=00003256, QRZ.COM says: Isla Isabel DXpedition 

FO5RH says IOTAMSG: Bad IOTA=OC066 IOTAMSG: Bad Island=00006050

TI9/3Z9DX/MM says IOTAMSG: Added IOTA but was /MM no IOTA

VP8IDX/MM says IOTAMSG: Added IOTA but was /MM no IOTA

HI3LT says IOTAMSG: Bad Island=00003929

R7AL/1 says IOTAMSG: Bad IOTA=EU104 but ClubLog says: Pezhostrov isl. EU-147 
07-08 July 2020

There were many IOTAMSG that I will have to research by checking my QSL cards. 
I always check the IOTA number printed on the card against what is in my log 
but some of these are from the 1980 and 1990's:
ZK1NJC, KC4USV, ZK1USA, 9Y4W, H40FN,  These had their IOTA numbers changed from 
what I had logged.

I will update later when I do more research.

Thanks for all your hard work with this project.

Alan Zack
Amateur Radio Station K7ACZ
Official USCG Auxiliary Comm Station

-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of Kostas SV1DPI
Sent: Thursday, April 1, 2021 02:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Dx4win] DX4WIN.CTY country file Release #21.7 - 23 March 2021

Hello Alan

If you update with the last country file, iota numbers will be updated 
according country file. If you have a QSO marked with something different iota 
number in your file, a notice will be inserted in "Notes for this QSO" field 
and iota will get the number the country file has. 
This notice will look as IOTAMSG: something more for example IOTAMSG: 
added IOTA

So you need to search (F8) for IOTAMSG: in "Notes for this QSO" field

This will return some QSOs. In my case about 40 QSOs returned. You need to look 
these QSOs and compare with original QSL cards. Send the QSOs you don't agree 
to Jim.

Why to do it?

1) help all other hams to have a right database

2) correct some mistakes you possibly have

3) possibly you will find some calls with an added iota and possibly this is a 
new one for you (the most of 40 QSOs were added iotas - unfortunately not 
something new this time - hi hi).

I have worked over 850 iotas and at least 850 checked and found some mistakes I 
did, some Jim did and some new (in previous releases) I hadn't asked for a card!

73 Kostas SV1DPI

Στις 1/4/2021 06:26, ο/η Alan Zack έγραψε:
> I AM an IOTA chaser.
> I don't quite understand what this is about. My fault, not yours, it 
> is a little over my head. I "think" what this change will do is when I 
> log a call the IOTA number will automatically be filled in as is done 
> with the COUNTRY, ZONE, etc
> If I do this update will it change the IOTA designation of IOTA's 
> already logged in DX4WIN, most of which are confirmed so I know the 
> IOTA numbers are correct. Or will I just see a message in the NOTES 
> FOR THIS QSO or NOTES FOR THIS CALL telling me there is a mismatch?
> The RSGB IOTA website maintains a list of IOTA's I have confirmed, 
> pending, and needed. I wish there was a way for me to download a 
> DX4WIN file to update my RSGB/IOTA record on their website.
> The RSGB/IOTA website has come a long way. When I first started the 
> only way to confirm an IOTA was to have a card checker confirm a match 
> with a paper QSL. Then they were able to confirm a match from IOTA 
> contest files matching. Then matching via ClubLog, and now matching 
> via LOTW (but many DX do not have their IOTA number on file in their 
> LOTW record so sometimes there is no match).
> Alan Zack
> Amateur Radio Station K7ACZ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: On Behalf Of Jim Reisert AD1C
> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 05:26 PM
> To: DX4WIN Reflector <>
> Subject: Re: [Dx4win] DX4WIN.CTY country file Release #21.7 - 23 March
> 2021
> This is a pretty big release if you are chasing "Islands on the Air"
> (IOTA).  It started as an attempt to add European IOTAs from 2010-2021 
> that begin with the letter 'P' (only The Netherlands [Holland] PA), 
> which I did.  I moved on to the calls beginning with 'R', but found 
> that most of them had already been added to the database.
> Something sparked me to revisit all the IOTA associated with Papua New 
> Guinea, P2.  The upcoming S21DX DXpedition had me reviewing all the 
> IOTA in Bangladesh.  I also learned that there is a little part of 
> Market Reef (OJ0) that counts as Sweden, SM for DXCC purposes.  Then I 
> got a little carried away researching a list of several thousand 
> callsigns (by date) that my software indicated needed to be reviewed 
> (that job is far from over).  I honestly do not know how many IOTA 
> operations were added to the country file this time around, but it was 
> at least 860 (that's the last number I remember seeing).
> ********
> After the database is released for DX4WIN 9.0x users, if you are an 
> IOTA chaser, please run the Multiple QSO Operation "Check IOTAs" and 
> let me know how many mistakes I made.  It's best if you have a QSL to 
> verify against your log.  My data comes from DX spots which many times 
> can be incorrect or misleading.
> ********
> I'm already planning to work on the European 'S' callsigns next.  That 
> includes Sweden (SM), Poland (SP) and Greece (SV).  I may also work on 
> 'T' which is only Iceland (TF), Corsica (TK) and France (TM), of which 
> many (most) should already be in the database.  It's unlikely I'll get 
> to the Russian (UA etc.) calls before the next release.
> 73 - Jim AD1C

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