Merkeistä päätellen maailmanlopun täytyy olla lähellä :-)

"After the shortwave service goes off the air, only three low-power medium wave transmitters will be used to broadcast to other countries, ..." Siis myös Bolshakovo 1215 kHz poistuu? Sehän ei ole mitenkään "low-power". Täällä etelässä iltaisin MW-bandin vahvin signaali.
Vähiin käyvät kidekoneasemat!

73 de JTS

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On 22.8.2013 0:04, Jari Lehtinen wrote:

Tämäkin päivä piti nähdä!

MOSCOW, August 21 (RIA Novosti) – The Russian government’s international
radio broadcasting service Golos Rossii (Voice of Russia) will stop its
shortwave broadcasts from January 1 next year, the online
journal reported Wednesday.

The shortwave service is closing “due to funding cuts,” Voice of Russia
deputy director Natalya Zhmai said in a letter dated August 15 to Andrei
Romanchenko, head of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting
Network (RTRBN), the journal said.

Voice of Russia, established in 1929, currently uses RTRBN transmitters
to broadcast to foreign countries using short and medium waves. After
the shortwave service goes off the air, only three low-power medium wave
transmitters will be used to broadcast to other countries, an industry
source told

The radio will mostly use FM band transmitters based abroad, the source

At the beginning of the year, Voice of Russia cut the total volume of
shortwave broadcasts to 26 hours a day from more than 50 hours in 2012.

73's JLN

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