Hello friends,
Have your white laboratory coats ready, because VOA Radiogram will be very
experimental this weekend.
Battle of the 55-wpm modes. VOA Radiogram listener and contributor Mark Hirst 
in the UK suggests an experiment with the BPSK63F mode. His interest was 
generated by an article in the August QST magazine about the "flavors of PSK." 
It noted that BPSK63F, with its forward error correction, has a "remarkable 
ability to be decoded under poor conditions." 

During the early editions of VOA Radiogram, we did transmit BPSK63F a few 
times. This weekend, we'll do it again, in comparison with two other modes that 
also have speeds of about 55 words per minute: MFSK16 and Olivia 8-1000. The 
RSID for each mode will be followed by a 15-second tuning signal, in case you 
must manually change modes. More details below in the lineup. 

The return of Flmsg. This weekend's program will include on item in Flmsg
format. Flmsg is an add-on to Fldigi that allows the transmission and reception 
of message forms and formatted html documents.

If you don’t already have Fldigi, download it from
https://sourceforge.net/projects/fldigi/files/fldigi/ . Download Flmsg from
https://sourceforge.net/projects/fldigi/files/flmsg/ .

To make Flmsg work with Fldigi, in Fldigi: Configure > Misc > NBEMS > under
Reception of flmsg files, select Open with flmsg and Open in browser, and below 
that indicate where your Flmsg.exe file is located – probably somewhere in 
Program Files(x86). 
If all goes well, when the digital mode transmission concludes, Flmsg will open 
a new window of your web browser to display a formatted VOA Radiogram
transmission schedule. If your default browser is not open, Flmsg will open it 
for you. (If you are asked to ignore checksum error, select Yes.) 
If it doesn’t work the first time, or you don’t have Flmsg installed, you can
try this later from your recording. In Windows, an easy way to save the 
received document is to use the Microsoft Snipping
Please send that image as an attachment to your reception report.

If you are an Android user, TIVAR does not accommodate Flmsg files. But a
similar app,dFlmsg<https://sourceforge.net/projects/fldigi/files/AndFlmsg/>,
as its name would indicate, does. Unlike TIVAR, which is receive-only, AndFlmsg 
encodes as well as decodes and is used by radio amateurs for message traffic. 
After the Flmsg is received, go to the index screen and press on the name of 
the file.

Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, program 172, 16-17 July 2016. All 
modesare centered on 1500 Hz.

1:35 MFSK32: Program preview (now)
3:06 MFSK32: Osmosis to generate electricity*
Battle of the 55 wpm modes ...
11:33 BPSK63F: "Snowline" around new star
15:04 MFSK16: Fuel-saving cars may pollute more
18:36 Olivia 8-1000: "Frankenstein" galaxy detected
21:30 MFSK32: Image and intro to Flmsg
23:52 MFSK32: VOA Radiogram schedule in html via Flmsg
27:03 MFSK32: Closing announcements
* with image 
Please send reception reports to radiog...@voanews.com .

VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17580 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.

The Mighty KBC will also transmit Flmsg. This will be during its broadcasting 
to North America, Sunday 0000 to 0200 UTC (Saturday 8-10 pm EDT), on 9925 kHz, 
via Germany. A minute of MFSK32, in Flmsg format, will be at will broadcast at 
0131 UTC. Please send reports for this KBC reception to Eric: 
themighty...@gmail.com .
DigiDX will provide DX and media news in MFSK32 and a mixture of other modes:
Sunday 2130-2200 UTC, 15770 kHz, via WRMI Florida
Sunday 2330-2400 UTC, 11580 kHz, via WRMI Florida
Monday 2000-2130 UTC, 6070 kHz, via Channel 292 Germany
Daily 1830-1900 and 0530-0600 UTC, 6070 kHz, via Channel 292 Germany
Look for any additions or changes to the DigiDX schedule at

IBC (Italian Broadcasting Corporation) has a broadcast to Europe on 6070 kHz, 
Wednesdays, 2000-2200 UTC, with MFSK32 and Olivia 16-500 at 2030-2100 UTC. See
for the complete schedule and contact information. 

Thank you for your reception reports for last weekend's VOA Radiogram. 
Reception conditions were generally good, although propagation Saturday at 
1600-1630 UTC on 17580 varied widely in different parts of the world. I will 
try to respond to as many reports as possible before the weekend is over. 
I hope you can tune in and write in this weekend.

Kim via KKX
Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter
VOA Radiogram

DX mailing list

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