Deen Foxx said on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 8:08 PM:

> e-gold doesn't earn interest on anything.  The only profit
> e-gold makes is
> selling the gold for more than they buy it, and a small storage fee.


--- begin quote

The e-gold system is designed to be absolutely free of any financial
risk.  There can be no debt or contingent liabilities associated with
e-gold.  For this reason, e-gold Ltd. does not possess any national
currency of any nation and has no bank accounts.  Thus, e-gold Ltd. is
not able to offer currency exchange services. Instead, a growing number
of independent exchange market makers
[] around the world support
exchange between various national currencies and e-gold, accepting
remittances via credit card, bank wire, check, money order, Western
Union, PayPal, eMoneyMail, and others.

--- end quote

 - Reid -

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