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Birthday in Solitary Confinement
(October 07, 2000)



Dear Libertarian Party Supporter,

Today, October 7 is Todd McCormick's birthday.

He will spend his 30th birthday in a closet-sized concrete 
cell in solitary confinement at Terminal Island prison in 

His crime? He used medical marijuana to relieve the 
crippling pain and spasms of a severe spinal condition. 
Todd had cancer nine times before the age of ten. The top 
five vertebrae of his neck are fused. His hips are 
painfully deformed (one hip stopped growing when he was ten 
years old as a result of radiation treatment.)

And he wrote about the miraculous relief he got from 
medical marijuana - the only drug that ever gave him 

And then he tried to provide that same medicine that had 
saved his life and enabled him to be productive, active, 
and happy, to other patients in the same desperate need. He 
entered into a business partnership with best-selling 
author Peter McWilliams. They began production on a book 
about medical marijuana. And under Proposition 215, which 
Californians had passed overwhelmingly in 1996 to legalize 
cannabis for medical purposes, they began to produce 
marijuana itself.

Or at least they tried to. Since what they were doing was 
legal under state law, they made little effort to hide 
their activities. They deliberately set out to define the 
limits of Prop 215. Peter openly spoke of becoming "the 
Bill Gates of Medical marijuana." They knew that, despite 
the legality under California law, they were taking a great 
chance under federal law. But they were willing to take 
that chance for a cause they believed worth fighting for. 

In late 1997, they were both arrested, and charged with 
"conspiracy" to produce marijuana.

McWilliams, 50, had suffered from AIDS and non-Hodgkin's 
lymphoma since 1996, and had used medical marijuana to 
suppress the nausea that was a common side effect of the 
potent medications needed to keep him alive.

After a federal judge ruled that McWilliams could not 
mention his illnesses at his trial -- or introduce as 
evidence any of the documented benefits of medical 
marijuana -- he pled guilty to avoid a 10-year mandatory-
minimum prison sentence.

While out on bail awaiting sentencing, McWilliams was 
prohibited from using medical marijuana -- and being denied 
access to the drug's anti-nausea properties almost 
certainly caused his death. 

He was found dead in his home on June 14, having choked on 
his own vomit.

Todd is serving 5 years without parole for his part in 
trying to produce medicine for sick people. Unless we 
change the cruel system that has imprisoned him, he will 
face not only this birthday behind bars, but 5 more.

I've attached a message from Todd's Mother to the end of 
this message. If you can read through it without tears, you 
are a stronger person than I am. I'm hoping that you will 
take a few minutes to send Todd a belated birthday card. 
It's easy to feel forgotten behind bars, and sometimes a 
note from the outside world is the only thing that keeps 
you alive for one more day.

Especially when you have an extremely painful condition - 
and you're denied the only medicine that helps the pain.

Peter McWilliams paid the ultimate price for speaking out 
against the insane war on drugs. Even from what became his 
deathbed, he never stopped speaking the truth. The 
government could not silence him, except by his death.

I pray that Todd does not suffer the same fate from his 
imprisonment. He and Peter fought with all they had for the 
freedoms of us all.

But now Peter and Todd can no longer fight for us.

Now we have to fight for them.

And we have to fight for the other one million prisoners of 
the drug war, and their families.

I believe that we now have the best weapon ever to fight 
back against the abomination of the drug war. The Harry 
Browne campaign has produced what I think is the most 
powerful TV ad the Libertarian movement has ever seen. 

The ad opens with man-on-the-street sound bites denouncing 
the follies of the drug war. Then, as Harry speaks, we see 
images of young people who are imprisoned, for 10, 20, 30, 
and up to 99 years for non-violent drug crimes.

Then Harry asks the most important question missing from 
the Presidential Debates - "George W. Bush and Al Gore, 
would you be better people today if you had spent 10 years 
in prison for your youthful indiscretions?"

And then prison doors slam shut over the images of Bush and 

There's no way I can describe how strong this ad is. You 
have to see it for yourself.
You can view the ad on-line now at

We expect that this ad is so controversial that it will 
garner significant media attention on its own. But there is 
no guarantee of that, of course, and even getting it played 
on nightly news a few times will not be enough to make the 
full use of this powerful weapon for freedom.

We'll have to buy advertising time to make sure we get this 
message out - now while we can take advantage of the low, 
low, candidate advertising rates that are only available 
for the next 4 weeks leading up to the election.

But our ability to book time on national cable networks is 
limited by our cash on hand -- because stations require 
payment IN ADVANCE for political ads. We've spent so much 
recently on ballot access and previous advertising, and we 
are already committed to matching funds for Congressional 
candidates. We have little in our coffers to get the ad on 
the air.

If we want to get this ad on the air before the election, 
we need a QUICK influx of cash.

That's where you can help.

After you finish reading this letter, please:

1. Go to to view the 
ad and contribute by credit card over our secure server. 
Contributing by credit card will get the most ads on the 
air the soonest. You can also call me, Ron Crickenberger 
directly to contribute at 202-333-0008,ext. 227.

2. If you prefer to contribute by check, WRITE A CHECK, and 
PUT IT IN TODAY'S OUTGOING MAIL. If you do that, we could 
have your check as early as noon Tuesday and be busily 
booking more ads right after lunch.

Will you help us work for Todd's release, and for Peter's 
struggle to have not been in vain? 

They can no longer fight for us.

We have to fight for them.

I want Americans from coast to coast to see those prison 
doors slamming across the hypocritical faces of Bush and 

And I want to see this powerful message on national TV 
again, and again, and again.

Don't you?

When we asked our e-mail announcement subscribers for 
advertising help at the end of the '96 presidential 
campaign, you responded with more than $50,000 for TV ads. 
Those ads produced thousands of calls to our 800 #, and 
hundreds of new Libertarian Party members. Our list is 
three times as large now as it was then, so we could 
potentially raise $150,000 or more to run advertising the 
last weeks before the election.

That much advertising would put our ad on before more than 
15 million viewers, who will see our ad right before they 
go to the polls and vote.

But only if you contribute today.

Can you send $1,000 today to help get this message out? Or 
can you reach extra deep, and send $5,000? Or $250, or 
$100? Whatever you can send, we'll put it to immediate use 
in running more ads.

So we need your contribution NOW when it will do the most 

Please -- help give us the fast infusion of cash we need to 
keep escalating our advertising buys right up through 
Election Day. 

The other side can never win the war on drugs. We can, by 
bringing in a permanent drug peace. Please help. Today. 

And please also send Todd a card. The address is at the end 
of this message. He needs to know that he's not alone, and 
that the fight is still being fought.

Yours for Liberty,

Ron Crickenberger
Political Director

P.S. You might reasonably ask if we're exploiting Peter 
McWilliams and Todd McCormick, just for the sake of 
advancing a political agenda. 

Your damned right we are! 

Because that's what Peter wanted. Peter told me before he 
died, "Ron, I want you to do everything you can to make me 
the poster boy for medical marijuana, in any and every way 
you can. And whatever I have to endure I'll endure, if I 
can do something to change this insane system."

But now Peter is dead, and Todd is in jail, and the system, 
for now, is the same. 

Please help us complete their struggle. Please help us end 
the drug war, and win the drug peace. 

For their sake, and for the hundreds of thousands like them 
in prison.

Thank you.

P.P.S. -- Contribute by credit card at our web site and 
we'll get a jump start on placing ads. The URL is:

HERE'S THE CONTRIBUTION FORM:  Please print out the form 
below on your computer printer, fill it in, and enclose it 
with your check.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
_ _ _

[ ] $10,000 to reach more than one million TV viewers.
[ ] $1,000 to reach more than 100,000 viewers.
[ ] $500 to put our message on 50,000 TV screens.
[ ] $250 to put another nail in the coffin of the war on 
[ ] $100 to slam prison doors across Bush and Gore 10,000 

LIMITATIONS: Contributions to political committees are not 

Please make your check payable to "Libertarian Party" or 
provide the following information for credit card payment:

   [ ] MasterCard  [ ] Visa  [ ] Amex  [ ] Discover

   Card number________________________ Expires____________




   City_________________________ State____ Zip____________





NOTE:  Federal law requires political committees to report 
the name, mailing address, and occupation and name of 
employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate 
in excess of $200 in a calendar year.


  E-mail Response
  Libertarian Party
  2600 Virginia Avenue NW/Suite 100
  Washington, DC 20037

The following is from Todd McCormick's mom, Ann.

Todd has been in the 'hole' since August 15. If he is found 
'guilty' by the review board (essentially, we're talking a 
kangaroo court) he will remain in isolation, lose all 
visiting privileges for a year, be restricted to a single 
phone call per month, and God knows what else.

This is all creating tremendous stress on his health and 
state of mind. Todd is such a 'people person'.  Being alone 
in a closet size room 23 hours a day and then spending the 
other hour alone in the exercise yard is in no way 
proportionate to what he has been accused of. To keep in 
mind that he is in prison, in the first place, for 
gardening, makes the whole thing even more ludicrous.

So many people have written asking what can we do. I 
honestly don't know.

When circumstances are dire, and the answer to 'what to 
do?' is "I don't know" there is one remaining action ...


What I am asking everyone to do throughout the day is pray, 
meditate, visualize -- for Todd to win his release, all 
together, from prison.

This has been going on for 37 months now. In all, he has 
spent 9 months in jail. They have turned his life and his 
friends and families lives upside down. This has seriously 
damaged Todd's health. Peter is dead. Neither Renee nor 
Kiril can come home. Alex is on probation.

For over 2 decades I fought to keep my son alive, even when 
his doctors felt no optimism. Now, I am expected to sit 
back like a 'good little citizen' and watch my government 
slowly kill him?

Materially, they have all lost everything they have worked 
for during their lives and have incredible debts piled on 
top of that. Already, well into 7-figures have been lost 
fighting this insane persecution (yes, PERSECUTION).

Peter McWilliams alone lost 2 homes and a successful 
career/business he had run for over 30 years - and died 
deeply in debt - not to mention the savings and assets he 
went through during the last 3 years of his life, fighting 
the charges - or the pain, suffering and illness he 
experienced trying to comply with the courts orders.


The punishment is supposed to fit the crime. Cruel and 
unusual punishments are against everything this nation is 
supposed to stand for. We are supposed to be a 'civilized' 
nation. We are supposed to be the "land of the free". We 
cherish liberty, self-determination and rugged 
individualism above all. At least that is what I grew up 

It appears, now, to have been a cruel joke -- or, perhaps, 
just a bunch of cleverly crafted, damnable lies.

None of these people are violent predators. None of them 
robbed, stole - or maliciously took advantage of others in 
any way. None were or are a threat to society. All are 
kind, gentle spirits, with tremendous respect and reverence 
for nature, the planet and mankind. Todd, Kiril, Alex and 
Renee are all vegan. All have lived a totally 'green' 
environmentally protective lifestyle.

They have been dragged through this hell for nurturing a 
plant - an ancient healing herb - grown for the purpose of 
benefiting others and eliminating pain and suffering.

This is the United States' interpretation of what 
constitutes criminal behavior? 

My God! What kind of nation, what kind of society have we become?

Cards and letters may be sent to Todd at:

Todd Patrick McCormick
Inmate # 11071-112
P.O. Box 3007
Terminal Island, CA 90731

Information About the McCormick Case:

Version: 2.6.2



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