Thank you for your advice and it is sound but please realize that not all
of us who use
credit cards for transactions such as e-gold funding are 'in debt'...
granted most
people who use plastic are. It was for me, (this time) the fastest way to
do a
transaction and will be paid in full when the bill is recieved. The system
doesn't always
win. I hate to see our choices being whittled away. Useing a credit card
might be the
only way one has to fix a desperate situation and I have been there with
one family
emergency. At a time like that I didn't care how much interest I would
have to pay! It
is not a completely unfavorable system in my view but I do wish people
would use it
more judiciously. 

> Destiny Worldwide wrote:
> > 
> > I think the moral of the story is to wean yourself off from use of the
> > credit card system.  I think everyone needs to do this.  The banking system
> > has trained people to reach for the plastic, but the plastic is like a drug.
> > It is very damaging to the economy because of fraud and misuse and the
> > bank's unethical practices.
> > 
> > There is really a big contrast between the honest system offered by egold
> > and ourselves, and the very dishonest and corrupt system used by the US
> > banking industry as a whole.
> > 
> I agree. Get out of debt and stay out of debt and that includes using credit
> cards or dealing in debt or instruments of indebtedness (US Dollar or FED note).
> "The System" is developed around putting people in debt and under control. By
> accumulating one's own assets or substance at law (gold, e-gold holdings,
> saleable inventories, etc.) and dealing on a debt-free basis we wean ourselves
> away from slavery and move into freedom. Every penny paid in interest or "bank
> fees" simply encourages "The System" to keep on. This is the main reason I got
> into e-gold and encourage others to do likewise. I also buy with cash and refuse
> to go in debt on purchases.
> The difficulty comes in dealing in checks (another instrument of indebtedness).
> The FED system clears all checks requiring that all checks then circulate
> through their system at some point or other. The same apparently happens with
> the ostensible parallel system for clearing credit cards. Until another system
> can replicate the check clearing operations transactions are somewhat tied to
> it. Maybe when e-gold's new cards come out some of this obligatory dependency
> will be alleviated.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Dale Pond
> Delta Spectrum Research
> Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
> Sacred Science - Sacred Life
> SVP Discussion Forum:

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