Destiny Worldwide wrote:
> I think the moral of the story is to wean yourself off from use of the
> credit card system.  I think everyone needs to do this.  The banking system
> has trained people to reach for the plastic, but the plastic is like a drug.
> It is very damaging to the economy because of fraud and misuse and the
> bank's unethical practices.
> There is really a big contrast between the honest system offered by egold
> and ourselves, and the very dishonest and corrupt system used by the US
> banking industry as a whole.
I agree. Get out of debt and stay out of debt and that includes using credit
cards or dealing in debt or instruments of indebtedness (US Dollar or FED note).
"The System" is developed around putting people in debt and under control. By
accumulating one's own assets or substance at law (gold, e-gold holdings,
saleable inventories, etc.) and dealing on a debt-free basis we wean ourselves
away from slavery and move into freedom. Every penny paid in interest or "bank
fees" simply encourages "The System" to keep on. This is the main reason I got
into e-gold and encourage others to do likewise. I also buy with cash and refuse
to go in debt on purchases.

The difficulty comes in dealing in checks (another instrument of indebtedness).
The FED system clears all checks requiring that all checks then circulate
through their system at some point or other. The same apparently happens with
the ostensible parallel system for clearing credit cards. Until another system
can replicate the check clearing operations transactions are somewhat tied to
it. Maybe when e-gold's new cards come out some of this obligatory dependency
will be alleviated.

Dale Pond
Delta Spectrum Research
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
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