At 1:17 AM -0500 11/6/00, wrote:

>The e-mail address that you supplied to was 

I must say that I find it rather disturbing that you would feel the 
freedom to "divulge" any of my other email addresses in a public 
forum such as this.  I would hope that you do a better job protecting 
the privacy of your other paying customers.

You can be assured that I will not be using any of the lackluster 
services provided by at any time in the future.

I would also ask that any of you who were considering using their 
services, perhaps think again in lieu of their apparent disregard for 
personal privacy.

>The e-mail with you password was sent to this e-mail address and was
>RETURNED with the message "Disk quota exceeded."
>If you contact Customer Service quoting your batch number
>and a working e-mail address, we will send you a new password.

This problem has been resolved with for some time now 
actually.  Check your records.

Mike McNamara

(should I give out my phone number and address too?)

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