I generally don't like to talk bad about people, but this fellow is full of
shit.  I never spoke ill of whoever "Destiny Worldwide" is and I have no
particular problems with their system as I HAVE NO INFORMATION ABOUT IT. 
Now a little less than a month I asked if people would be interested in
this, and I would put it together.  This is waht I have done.  I don't
appreciate the tone of this message, but I will let people judge for
themselves.  I do not claim that this is ANONYMOUS, and I do not claim it is
a high security vehicle.  If that is what you want and need, contact me and
I'll give you some advice.  I do not advise the use of ANONYMOUS accounts as
most of these are run by crooks who either run off with the funds inthe
accounts, or get caught because they are breaking the laws in the
jurisdiction in which they operate.  But the fact is that this asshole has
chosen to promote his product, which may be very fine, by attacking mine
with false and misleading comments.  I will address these pissant comments

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 11:05:41 -0600, Destiny Worldwide wrote:

>  I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but since Glencannon pointed out
>  what he thought was a problem with our system, let me pount out a couple
>  with his.
>  1.  His website states that he is in Belize, yet he gives an address in
>  Texas to mail the applications.  Obviusly, then, the address in Belize is
>  maildrop.  What this means is that when you send yoru documents to him,
>  are sotred onshore, where BB can seize them anytime they want.  Your
>  identity is not safe!

The mail drop is in Houston, and documents are forwarded to me wherever I
may be, Belize, the Dominican Republic, or sometimes Houston.  But no doubt,
there is a possibility of interception.  I never claimed this was some kind
of safe way to do "money launderying."  If that is what you need you might
want to go elsewhere.  What I am providing is a convenient way of giving a
service.  Take it or leave it.

>  2.  Same for the bank.  If the bank they are ever using rolls over and
>  you out, then you are screwed.  The only way to prevent this is if the
>  does not know who you are.

This is utter Bullshit, but would go for any bank out there.  This bank in
particular is a very safe and sound bank in a very safe and sound
jurisdiction.  I have been doing business with it and others in this
jurisdiction, and it will no more "rat you out" than the rat who wrote this

>  3.  What are his fees for the transfers from egold to the card?  He does
>  disclose this, but our fees are clearly stated on our website.  If you
>  just transferring from egold to the card, then you will look in the
>  passthrough category of our fee shcedule, plus add the wire transfer
>  OFFSHORE!  So, when you figure this in, even though our card costs more
>  front, it is actually cheaper in the end if you use it very much.

Currently fees are going to be flat rate $20.00 per transaction, minimum
transaction $1,000.00.  Of course this is subject to change.  The terms and
conditions are in the written application, which I did not include in my
short little email.

>  4.  Don't be fooled.  You are categorized as an employee of the company,
>  therefore the company OWNS AND CONTROLS THE CARDS!  they can do ANYTHING
>  THEY WANT TO WITH THEM anytime they want and you can't do anything about
>  legally even if they run away with all the money.  Our cards belong to
>  and are issued directly by the bank, and you can send your funds yourself
>  direclty to the bank if you desire.

And this is absolute CRAP.  Untrue.  This is an independent card account. 
The "Company" will have no access to the money in that account once it is
deposited.  It is only designated as an "Employee" account as that is the
way most employees are paid in this jurisdiction.  Any Payee can be

>  There are probably other things I could think of, but for lack of time I
>  will leave it at that.  Our card is TOTALLY ANONYMOUS.  The bank doesn't
>  even know who you are, so they can never rat you out even if ordered to!

I am very suspicious of TOTALLY ANONYMOUS cards and accounts as almost no
jurisdiction happily tolerates them.  What you POSSIBLY are getting is an
account with a flaky institution that may be run out of somebodies bedroom. 
That is the way most people get caught.  The last time I heard of one of
these gigs was a Doctor in San Antonio, Texas who was running an "offshore
bank" out of his house.  When the feds hit him, he sang like a bird and
"ratted" out several hundred innocent clients.  Or maybe you are dealing
with a legitimate bank that has somehow managed to convince the jurisdiction
in which it operates that anonymous is ok.  There are ways of "becoming"
anonymous, and that will work better than an "ANONYMOUS" account, unless of
course you are just a criminal looking to do some quick money laundering. 
But that is another issue.

>  Also, we are located OFFSHORE, so we don't have to release your records
>  ANYONE without an order form the local government here, and THEY WILL NOT
>  Since you do NOT reside in Costa Rica, it is therefore almost IMPOSSIBLE
>  you to have committed a crime here.   It takes a long time to get such a
>  court order in this country anyway, so you are much safer dealing with us
>  than with someone operating out of Texas in the Nazi States of America,
>  where they can break down their door anytime they want on mere SUSPICION.
>  Check out our site and see for yourself.  Sure, our card is more expesive
>  front, but the value and savings are realized as you use it!
>  John
>  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>  Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
>  we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
>  deposits, and withdrawals! Go to: http://www.offshorearnings.com
>  ((((((((((((((((((((((((+))))))))))))))))))))))))))
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: e-gold Discussion digest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  To: e-gold-list digest recipients <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 10:42 PM
>  Subject: e-gold-list digest: November 14, 2000
>  >Subject: Gold Funded Debit Cards Available
>  >From: "Glencannon Group Ltd." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  >Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 12:43:28 -0800 (PST)
>  >X-Message-Number: 5
>  >
>  >Gold Funded Debit Card
>  >
>  >We are pleased to announce that Glencannon Group Ltd, in association
>  >Genucap Resources, LLC, is now offering Gold Funded Debit Cards. These
>  Debit
>  >Cards are currently only available for individuals, and denominated in
>  >dollars.  They are issued by a Latvian Bank which believes in
>  >confidentiality.  The holders of the cards will be treated as
>  of
>  >Genucap Resources, LLC, a Nevis Limited Liability Company.
>  >
>  >To obtain your own Gold Funded Debit Card from Genucap Resources, LLC,
>  >please provide the following:
>  >
>  >1.  Name of Card Holder:
>  >
>  >2.  Mailing Address of Card Holder:
>  >
>  >3.  A notarized copy of Card Holder's identification (Passport, Driver's
>  >License, etc.)  Will be held confidentially by bank.
>  >
>  >4. $500.00 in e-gold deposited into E-gold account # 199145.  This will
>  >provide for the $250.00 processing fee and the initial deposit of
>  >into the card account.
>  >
>  >Mail the above information and copies to:
>  >Glencannon Group Ltd.
>  >5380 W. 43rd Street, # 149
>  >Houston, TX 77092
>  >
>  >When all information is received, and deposit verified, application will
>  >processed through bank.  Please provide 2 to 6 weeks for delivery. 
>  >us immediately if there is a change of address as card's will be
>  >directly to the address provided in application.
>  >
>  >If insufficient application are received, Glencannon Group Ltd. and
>  >Resources, LLC reserve the right to refund all funds with no further
>  >liability.
>  >
>  >NOTE: All present and future transfers will be denominated in grams of
>  gold,
>  >which will then be transferred into currency by a third party Market
>  >The amount that will be deposited in currency into the card account will
>  >based upon the Market Maker's rate of exchange, which will change from
>  >to time.
>  >
>  >Glencannon Group Ltd.
>  >http://www.glencannongroup.com/
>  >[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
>  >fax: 419-710-4339
>  >
>  >
>  ---
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