At 04:35 PM 11/25/2000 -0500, Peggy Brett wrote:

>Is there a travel agent that takes e-gold?  I'm looking at a trip NY to
>Canberra Aust and return in Jan!!  I have the e-gold for the trip now !!

Right now you can book your trips using Standard Reserve Gold via 
Payless Travel  & Tours !  No 7 day advance purchase; no advance 
planning; no Saturday night stay-over.  And they take Standard Reserve Gold.

Example of some special pricing in the U.S.:
L.A. to Atlanta - $349 roundtrip
L.A. to NYC - $299 roundtrip
L.A. to Chicago - $299

They are featured at the Gold Economy site -


George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018      Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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