Our 'little gold ecology' which has been developed may still be in its
infancy by world standards and some may not fully realise it's full
potential but at it's current growth rate it is going to be a player
significant enough to encroach upon the world gold economy and cause some
prominent heads to sit up and take notice very soon.

We are not talking a ton or two of gold here but by world standards several
thousand tons of gold being eventually transacted and repeat transacted on a
regular basis.  This could be enough to influence world markets in a
significant manner.

e-gold, it's associated companies, The Gold Economy,  Standard Reserve,
Metal Savings and similar businesses may well, some time down the track, be
regarded as the founders of the fledgling economy we are driving into the
financial face of this planet.   So those who participate at this early
stage, even in a small way, will be the prime movers in the global gold
economy in a few short years.

Your millions of dollars are not made after you have made your millions of
dollars. They are made when you have very little and you are fighting for a
place in society with your goals and aspirations in front of you and your
knock backs behind you, your sleeves are rolled up, your hands are dirty
and you get up everytime you are knocked down and then crawling, walking and
running towards that goal you build up your character, your determination
and your business to a resounding success.   Then your participation,
whatever part you play,  will assure you of a place in history as trite as
it may sound.

Believe it or not, we are starting a new era!

Kind regards,

Michael Moore
Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Elwyn Jenkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 2:43 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: The Gold Economy

> Now that we have two full issuers of liability, the total amount of
> currency in circulation is not just the amount of currency in circulation
> in E-Gold.
> Certainly, E-Gold is an important issuer -- it is the largest at this
> time. BUT Standard Reserve issues a currency Standard Dollars that is not
> based on E-Gold and this is an interesting adjunct to The Gold Economy. In
> about a month's time, money will be swapped from
> E-Gold>>StandardGold>>StandardDollars at the click of a mouse. The return
> journey will also be as simple and as easy.
> Transactions or spends that are shown in E-Gold today are not the total
> number of spends. Standard Gold has spends that never register in the
> E-Gold interface -- even though the Standard Gold currency is the base
> money for Standard Gold.
> Thus, the indicators of The Gold Economy needs to be indicators that show
> the total circulation of currency within The Gold Economy, and the total
> number of transactions within The Gold Economy.
> Your initial question related to the sectors of activity and whether there
> was an overabundance of one particular sector represented in all
> transactions etc. My reply was centered on giving you the spread of
> activity to show that it is much wider than people realize -- including
> taking into account the sector where E-Gold is wholesaling to another
> issuer and that the activity of that other issuer had to be taken into
> account when considering the sectors of activity.
> Interesting discussion.
> Dr Elwyn Jenkins
> The Gold Economy
> www.goldeconomy.com
> Where gold is money . . .
> ++
> ---
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