At 11:11 PM 12/21/2000 +1100, Michael Moore wrote:
>Thanks great,
>(Actually i don't use 2000  and where are the pic?s  my wife did 
>not tell me about them? I wanna see them!)
>(So which Firewalls have I got huh!  huh!)

The broken links went to a directory called "Directories and 
Settings," which usually means Win2000.  Of course, with a 15 
year old, maybe you weren't to know about the pics <g>.

>No link to SR!  An oversight I'm sure, unforgivable non the 
>less.  It will soon be be rectified and the people responsible 
>for it's omission flayed alive.

Can I watch?

>Besides, all going well,  there is going to  be another Market 
>Maker site opening soon  (as you may be aware)  where your site 
>will feature in a most
>prominent manner.

Well, I will definitely await the grand opening.

Good luck with the site.

BTW,  while I was kidding Michael about looking at his computer, 
for those on the list who are using cable modem, be sure you have 
password protection and preferably a firewall installed.  Cable 
is an open system much like a network in your office, but 
accessible to anybody who is on cable in your area.  My 
Son-In-Law is a Network Engineer and when we first installed 
cable at home, he browsed around to demonstrate the security 
issues.  We were able to look at the local drives on three 
computers attached to the cable.   It was merely a demonstration 
to me, and we didn't do anything, but you can imagine what would 
happen if some other wise guy got into your local drive.

So, install a password or head out to a computer store and buy a 
firewall package.  If in doubt, contact a local network engineer 
or the cable company that you use.

George (not a Network Engineer, and don't even play one on TV)

George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018      Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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