
Try it.  You are on the ground  floor of the Empire State
> Building and  who gets on the elevator with you going (alone -
> just the two of you) to the 62nd floor,  but that person you have
> been trying to sell on the concept of gold.   What are you going
> to say?  What you do for a living?   Here's your opportunity to
> give your "elevator speech" a/k/a/ a 90 second commercial.

   It depends on who it is. First if it is a wonderfully intelligent and
attractive woman who has a great personality AND happens to be wearing
something of a Calvin Klein design, first I am going to ask her if she is
interested in having this imaginary conversation on the roof of the
building, on a little blanket, over some champagne and strawberries (I, of
course, would be properly prepared for this and just happen to have a bottle
of Moet on hand already chilled!) .  Then, I would start off with something
clever, something unique, something along the lines of:

   "Those gems you have for eyes are breathtaking, but can you pay your
phone bill with them?  No?  Well, allow me to enlighten you with the facts
about a precious metal you CAN utilize for all of your global financial
affairs.  Speaking of affairs...."  ;0)

     However, if I am stuck in this tiny silver box-like coffin  with no
possible signs of a fresh oxygen supply or moist alcohol baby wipe (hey, who
knows where HIS hands have been!) and my fellow passenger is  a sweaty,
doughty crumb covered, nicotine stained fingers, coffee breath, hair plug
totin', cheap tie wearing used car salesman,   I will politely introduce
myself as I bend down to (un)tie my shoe.  (Notice that move?!?!  Try that
one for yourselves in any "I REALLY don't want to shake hands with this
person" scenario.  Works like a charm!)

     Now that the small talk has been initiated, I would ask my new friend
"Finance Freddie" (we will call him "Finance Freddie" or "FF"  for
simplicity sakes!) how he makes a living?

    "Previously Owned Vehicle Outlet Specialist?  You don't say?"--Me

   (No one uses the term "used cars" any more!)  I will steer the
conversation towards how his dealership seeks payment for cars at any one of
their ten locations, five of which happen to be overseas I learn.  I would
then inform of the following facts:

    "You  know, FF, you could do yourself a big favor by considering the
acceptance of e-gold for payment from your victims, uh, I mean used car
customers.  E-gold would eliminate your need to  adjust prices in each of
your different locations based on local currency.  No more converting to
Francs, or Pounds, or Yen.  Everything would be priced in e-gold and
customers from all over the globe would see the same price, no matter what
their currency is.  They can even check it against their currency on the
e-gold website!  No more bad checks, forget about credit histories, and no
more hassles with a credit card merchant provider contract. E-gold payments
are fast and FINAL.  The client has to have the e-gold in his account in
order to make the payment.  I bet you are tired of taking in all those NSF
checks and paying all those bank fees for bounced checks, right?"

    This would also simplify your cash management problems as you could have
each dealership in the various countries deposit the funds into their
Standard Reserve Net Anywhere account.  These funds can then be accessed by
your bean counters (ooops!  Certified Public Accountants) at the days end by
atm machine using the SR debit card. You could in turn send payments to your
dealerships via e-gold to buy more cars for your lots, pay your suppliers
for parts, and even pay your employees in e-gold so you do not have to worry
about the hassles of writing paychecks.  No more "my wife washed my pants
with my check in it. Can you write me another?" situations.  Complete
history of Accounts Receivables vs Account Payables would be as easy as
clicking your account history.

   ** By this time, I would be growing nauseas from idea of this never
ending cable car ride from Hades continuing on, but, I would evoke the
powers given to me by city of Gotham's Halls of Justice as a little boy and
transform into marine mammal capable of serving without breathing fresh

     I would hammer poor FF with the facts and figures about e-gold and SR
gold.  I would pull out my web enabled cell phone and spend a sample payment
to building's elevator operator (and quietly e-mail him to please speed this
elevator up!)  The ability to spend money to anyone, anywhere, at anytime
would be included in my rant.  By now having convinced FF of my point, I
would slide him a business card complete with my e-gold cid number on it.

As the doors of my temporary prison cell slide open, I would thank FF as I
juggle that cell phone and my car keys and slip out the door knowing I had
made a new client and will be receiving "progeny" incentive payments on a
regular basis.

    And that my friends, would be all she wrote!  (Or in this case...all I
am writing!)

    Thanks for listening,


ps.  This diatribe was intended to illustrate the advantages of utilization
of e-metal for business purposes.  Stereotypes and good natured jokes
contained within were meant for humor purposes only.  Offense should not be
taken by anyone who feels their profession of choice was characterized by
this journal. Used car salesmen and CPA's are not bad people and should not
be treated as such due to your reading this article.  All names and faces
have been changed to protect the identity of the innocent.  Finally, no
animals were harmed in any fashion during the production of this material.
Brought to you by the humor-filled individuals at Gaithman's Gold Exchange,
Inc.  Visit Gaithman's Gold Exchange, Inc. at
for all of your e-metal needs today and everyday for the rest of your life!

----- Original Message -----
From: George Matyjewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: e-gold Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 11:27 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Potential Markets for e-gold [was: Glencannon's
wrong, IMO

> At 08:57 AM 12/22/2000 -0800, Glencannon Group Ltd. wrote:
> >I agree with you 100%, e-gold would be ideal for many International
> >Transactions that would obviate the need for bank wires.  These
> >would most likely involve some sort of currency conversion headache
> >so why not use gold????  And if you are thinking of using gold as a basis
> >for the transaction why not e-gold???  I think e-gold needs to sell
> >as a practical gold substitute, and then go and sell gold.  But e-gold is
> >not marketing itself in this manner.  I am not really sure how e-gold is
> >marketing itself.  The job of good marketing is to package the product so
> >to convince people like me and others that e-gold is the tool to use.
> >there certain markets that e-gold should be focusing on?  And if so what
> >the best way of doing so?
> Damn.  Sounds like you are a shill for Standard Reserve <g>.
> That's exactly what we found. So we decided to do a full blow ad
> campaign, including focus groups, market research,  terrestrial
> sales force, agents, support (now a 10-seat support group),
> etc.  We believe there is an excellent market here, if we tell
> the story properly.
> Now, I'll give y'all a challenge.  How do you tell the non-gold
> world (you know, the other kzillion people out there) the
> benefits of using gold?   How do you convince, otherwise
> intelligent people, that the gold economy is not  comprised of a
> group of right wing libertarians who want to overthrow the
> currency systems of the world?   That it is really a very
> efficient  and cost-effective way of doing business.
> Try it.  You are on the ground  floor of the Empire State
> Building and  who gets on the elevator with you going (alone -
> just the two of you) to the 62nd floor,  but that person you have
> been trying to sell on the concept of gold.   What are you going
> to say?  What you do for a living?   Here's your opportunity to
> give your "elevator speech" a/k/a/ a 90 second commercial.
> George
> ______________________________________
> George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
> Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
> Acct# 120018      Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
> World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web
> ---
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